Entry level turbo kit- reliable? Streetability? MPG?

I have yet to see anyone calling a hayabusa a sport touring, it almost fits the hypertouring class, but as far as ive seen everywhere its still in the supersport or sport class, even though its the perfect sport tour bike. Anyone have tips for a first time turbo build? Im thinking of trying to piece together a stage 1 kit to save some dough.

Yeah me neither as I always have to educate the Harley guys when they call hayabusas a crotch rocket. They get mad when they found out that "jap crap" is in the same class as their bikes. But im perfectly ok with the insurance company calling it a sport touring, as it keeps the premiums down and makes it more affordable to own a few of them.

And yes I do have a tip for a first time builder. If you can't afford a legit turbo kit, wait off another year or however long it takes to get you a quality kit. I can't even count how many people have gone the "ill piece one together" route and end up with crappy kits that fit like $hit and don't make any power. Or because a safety issue when the header cracks and the turbo falls off. (Laugh all you want, it's happened). But you'll soon find once you get your budget kit to operate like a quality Rcc kit, you'll see that you've already spent about the same about of money (or more if you didn't blow your engine up) as it did to buy a good kit.

Unless your a good fabricator, and use good materials is the only way you'll come out ahead by making your own kit. Otherwise just save up and buy a good one, and do it right the first time.
Anyone have tips for a first time turbo build? Im thinking of trying to piece together a stage 1 kit to save some dough.
I will let the pro's chime in but,you will not save dough piecing a kit together,you'll get nickel&dimed to death cobbling all the parts together and it will most likely cost you more money&a lot of frustration in the end. Buy a proven kit,such as one from RCC,and its a simple install virtually pain free.
Lol,saving money and turbo do not fit in the same sentence:laugh:

**EDIT-Rob beat me to it while I was typing my reply :)
Dont piece anything together.
i just did a turbo build and it went great because of planning.
Get a good kit.
Build the motor if you plan to go higher then 4psi or whatever. 4lbs is cool for a day or 2.
If funds don't permit doing it right, wait until funds are good to go before even starting.

I have yet to see anyone calling a hayabusa a sport touring, it almost fits the hypertouring class, but as far as ive seen everywhere its still in the supersport or sport class, even though its the perfect sport tour bike. Anyone have tips for a first time turbo build? Im thinking of trying to piece together a stage 1 kit to save some dough.
its fine to piece it together as long as the pieces are RCC....:laugh:

I will let the pro's chime in but,you will not save dough piecing a kit together,you'll get nickel&dimed to death cobbling all the parts together and it will most likely cost you more money&a lot of frustration in the end. Buy a proven kit,such as one from RCC,and its a simple install virtually pain free.
Lol,saving money and turbo do not fit in the same sentence:laugh:

**EDIT-Rob beat me to it while I was typing my reply :)