Detector mount


Seems to be pretty sturdy -- Yes its a cobra, but before you start flaming -- its a rare cobra that works -- was too spendy for it to sell with the cheapo cobra name on it and was discoed. It also cost me 20 bucks on eBay

is that plug wrapped in electrical tape?

to each their own.........but if it saves your butt just once...then it paid for itself.
yup -- wire broke in the plug -- had to solder it back together
could use another cord, but im gonna cut that one to hardwire it in anyway.
I am also notorious for "losing" stuff like detectors, garage door openers and the likes. el cheapo stuff that works helps me keep a bit of my sanity.
Life span of anything not physically attached to myself or a solid object is about 30 seconds when I am involved.
I mounted an Escort X50 in the same place but I just used velcro on the windscreen and the dash. It attaches quite easily to both and stays put. It's easy to take off and on as well. Works well though. It saved my yet one more time last evening when i met a County Mounty and knew he was coming long before we met. I wouldn't be without a detector. I do have the heads up H.A.R.D. system that I REALLY like. I had a pluged in ear piece for a while but didn't like being attached to the bike. That H.A.R.D. sold by Radar Roy is the real cat's meow!
Tufbusa...I ended up moving the X50 to the top of the left air duct , using a single piece of Radio Shack's heavy duty velcro.
It worked fine BUT I am not convinced I like the 8500 X50 .. despite all the reviews and stuff I have read I think I want a Valentine One instead.