Crash Cage?

I've been riding on the street for 8 years. Never have dropped my bike or any of my bikes. I wrecked, but that's different. I just don't understand how people drop their bikes sitting still or moving them around. I make sure my bike firmly positioned and always mount or dismount while holding the front brake.
i've got strange luck, & my bike attracts livestock. soo, i've been thinking about a cage. $50 in 4140 and a little time, can save me a few grand in the long run. even the prefab cages only run about $200.
im not kiddin, it costs $2000 to fix a knockover!:down:
i dont personally care for the cage but i bet it would save a lot of damage in a fall over. In a wreck i dunno if i would want it on my bike. Seems it would add to the wreck as it would get torn off probably and ruin mounts and whatever else it was bolted to>? i could be wrong though.
i have this one for sale. PM me if interested.


already put to the test.

