Carpal tunnel while riding

I have problems w/ both wrists & wear braces I got at the pharmacy w/ metal supports down the center. If it is a long straight I will rest my left elbow on the tank & relax my rt hand more. I grip my tank pretty hard w/ my knees all the time to remove any excessive strain on my wrists too.
Riding as if on horseback is probably the biggest help, you should never ride with weight on your hands. Sounds like you've got it right.

But really folks try doing some grip exercises, it really made a huge difference for me. I also brought in a pair of 25 and a pair of 45lb dumbells I'll do set with here and there.
Thanks all for taking the time to post up suggestions.
I'm going to read through them all once again.
After the bash and work slows down, I will probably have it looked at by a specialist.
Gee Nathan, where did you here a magnent rant like Revlis! LOL

Revlis, you hit the nail right on the head!
Carpal tunnel is a bulging nerve on each side of the carpal tunnel. It might help if you would wear wrist braces at night while sleeping to ease the pressure. Wearing every night will help reduce the bulge. Been there, done that. Ultimately, surgery is only workable option. Don't let it go too long. I did and ended up having 3 surgeries to eliminate all the scar tissue that developed.