Aww crud, Dr had my blood run today..oops

Am being forced into diet, exercise and weight loss now... crap... one of my bad cholesterol numbers was like double what it was supposed to be..

Triglycerides (what ever the heck they are) are also double friggen great.. Karen is going to be all over my case now...

Hope it is just my "egg" habit... :laugh: they are giving me like 90 days to get it under control before they "intervene" on my behalf...

any dietitians around here?

Randy, I feel for ya, and I have a sinking feeling I am right there with ya. Blood test & diet will be after the Stampede. :cool:
Actually, you NEED bile acid to protect the liver. I take Niaspan, it is Niacin with bile acid, they are cheap enough and safe. Try and stay away from the statins, they will, over time, hurt you. If you need more info, PM me.