Anyone doin the gas price protest?

A 1 day protest will be nothing more than a minor inconvience to gas companies. they know you'll just be in tommorow.

The best way i can get at gas companies is to ride my Busa more, and my gas guzzeling jeep less. It's a win/win for me, would rather ride my bike anyway. I only use my Cages when i have to take the kids somewhere, or it's raining. Hence I give as little money to Oil companies as needed.

Honestly they have us by the ballz. we all (most of us at least) have to do that work thing. Have to get our kids around. have to go to food, have to heat/cool our houses (even if it's electric most still comes from oil). Face it unless your Amish there is not alot you can do about it. that's the Sad truth
you want to see fuel prices drop, get the trucking industry to shut down for a week.
i promise you it will fall then. unless we get the majority of america to not buy gas for a week then we are just peeing in the wind.
the power is in the trucking industry they can make it happen.
(thepushercg @ May 03 2007,08:36) you want to see fuel prices drop, get the trucking industry to shut down for a week.
i promise you it will fall then. unless we get the majority of america to not buy gas for a week then we are just peeing in the wind.
the power is in the trucking industry they can make it happen.
This is true. Why diesel cost more then premium in US while in the rest of the world it cost 20% less.
Latest News : Oil Refiners : Production Low / Profits High!

$70-$75 worth of 87 (and it knocks likes crazy) every 5 days or so in the F150... It is starting to hurt


In my garage I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee that gets 19MPG if driven properly and a Chevy 4X4 Silverado that is lucky to see 14MPG with a tailwind.

I will keep buying tires for the bike. It's easier to pay for fuel with the bike and I get more mileage.
Why is it when the gas price go up for the local stations they raise it right away, but when they get the gas cheaper they take their sweet a$$ time to lower the prices?
try owning a truck. i spend almost $2000 per week in fuel alone. as for getting the trucking industry together.... there was a protest scheduled in minnesota... 1 guy showed up.

It's just supply and demand ... more cycles and less suv's = lower fuel price
This is one of the reasons I bought a motorcycle. I put $60 every other day in my truck. I do have to take my truck alot for the extra room it has over a car to haul supplies but their are days I am running and do not need the space. I no longer have a payment on the bike but, I drive a minumum of 140 miles a day and if I cut my usage of my truck down by half I would save almost $330 dollars a month in gas which would easily justify a bike payment.
This Ninja 250 claims 70 MPG. $2999 MSRP We ALL should have one
Beats riding a "Scooter"
You all know that before this protest everyone will fill their tanks the day before right? wouldnt that destroy the cause?
Part of the problem is lack of refineries. Tree hugging naturalist liberals are to blame for that. They claim a refinery negatively impacts nature. Well so did the hurricane that broke the levy they stopped from being fixed 15 years ago that flooded New Orleans and killed hundreds!!!

I like the idea of protesting ONE major fuel retailer consistently and nationwide. They WILL drop their prices but I recommend not revisiting their store until it's well below $2. per gallon. I think having a 9 BILLION dollar profit margin should be suffeicient for any orginization. It can't be Exxon/Mobil as they supply the military and aviation users so retail sales won't really impact them as we need it to. It's gonna have to be Citgo or Shell.

I am a traveling Technician. I HAVE to drive. Fuel now costs me $90 every other day to fill my truck. I Can't imagine what an independant Trucker is going through...

My .02

OK, I came here for a different reason, but I have to comment on this.

Yes, the lack of additional refineries is an issue. But this is a very deep and very mature problem that started 20+ years ago. First off let's clear something up...

You can blame the "tree hugging liberals" if you like, but personally your argument (not you, but your argument) has holes in it.

Let's start with the fact that: "They claim a refinery negatively impacts nature. Well so did the hurricane that broke the levy they stopped from being fixed 15 years ago that flooded New Orleans and killed hundreds!!!"

- You are absolutely correct! The hurricane DID kill hundreds. However, in one case (refinery) you have willful intent to take from the earth something that knowingly polutes the air, and destroys the land around it. In the other case (hurricane) you have a situation where people died because of an occurance in nature...coupled with exceedingly poor planning, a depressed economy in New Orleans that propegates poverty, and general neglect from multiple groups (design and planning) that decided building a city in a fishbowl was a good idea...

Part two of your argument says: "I like the idea of protesting ONE major fuel retailer consistently and nationwide. They WILL drop their prices but I recommend not revisiting their store until it's well below $2. per gallon."

- Sounds like a great idea. Let's boycott a specific provider and force competition to regulate price for us. There is only one problem. The holdings of the oil companies are diversified between other companies in the oil and gas industries. Essentially, they do what we should...diversify their investment portfolios so that someone boycotting them is not going to affect their profits as badly as you think. Not to mention the fact that they sublease their refineries to others, and sell oil to people who are not consumers... The argument is fine, but the nature of oil and gas is oligopolic, and they are diversified between each other... so doing this won't work the way you think it will.

Your final argument: "I am a traveling Technician. I HAVE to drive. Fuel now costs me $90 every other day to fill my truck. I Can't imagine what an independant Trucker is going through..."

Get a fuel efficient car, get a diesel and make your own BIO. You may think I am talking out of my ass on this, but my friend and I pay .58 cents a gallon for our fuel on our diesels. AND I get 42 miles a gallon on it. You may HAVE to drive, but you don't HAVE to drive the way that you do. There are alternatives if you are willing to look for them...
Lets just keep shutting down refineries.

Unless something changes soon, I bet we see 87 gas for around $3.50 here in the Summer where it is $3.10 now.
All this wants to make me buy a gas station... Lol, im sorry but this seems like easy money to me with an excuse as to why im jacking up the prices. Dont worry guys if I do you'll get it at the price it takes me to stock it per gallon
Gas stations make a few pennies per gallon. Sometimes nothing if they have convenience store/car wash. Oil companies profit 70 cents per gallon and going up.
I'm all for lowering gas prices, but this DOES NOT WORK simply because you won't get enough of a mass-scale involvement for it to mean anything to anyone. And just simply one-day will not get the job done.