Had a nice ride today. Got cut short due to a killer headache but managed to rack up a bit over 300 miles. Got the bike nearly broke in and got the tires scrubbed in well. Little bit left on the left side (not really interested in pushing it anymore than that) and got over enough a couple of times to compeletly eliminate the chicken strip on the right side.
Anyway, nice day if it hadn't been so damn hot. Hope others managed to stay cooler than I. Got a bit dehyrdated today even after drinking a LOT of water and gatorade.
Here's some pics from the ride today.
405 miles since Monday. Need more time!
Anyway, nice day if it hadn't been so damn hot. Hope others managed to stay cooler than I. Got a bit dehyrdated today even after drinking a LOT of water and gatorade.
Here's some pics from the ride today.
405 miles since Monday. Need more time!