Advice needed - Small crack in front wheel!

Welcome :welcome: Please repair/replace ASAP!

Assuming that he bought this bike used, is that more likely to be damage from impact or an actual defect in the manufacture of the wheel? What say you experienced motorcycle wheel people? Just curious.

My vote is impact.
Can I borrow that when your done, "crap honey I know you wanted to do that cruise but my wheel is toast and the only replacement i can find is carbon fiber" (-:
:welcome: replace it immediatly... and i like roached's thinking...use it !!:whistle:
Thanks for the comments and welcomes!

I bought the bike used a couple of months ago. I'm a little disappointed in the dealer, Cal Coast Motor Sports in Ventura, CA, for several reasons:

1. I asked if the plastic was all good or if there was any history of damage. The sales person said it was "It good shape." I later found out that both side pieces have been re-painted. Hmmmm. OK - Maybe it's hard to tell if a bike's been down, but a dealer should be able to tell. Yes?

2. After sitting for a week, the battery went dead. I jump started it and took it to the local Susuki dealer. They pointed out that it has the wrong battery! Cal Coast did agree to replace it with a new one, but I had to drive out there (60 minutes each way). The Salesperson told me that it "got a battery" when it came in." Hmmmm. Maybe a used one??

3. Now I find that the rim has a crack. I didn't hit anything and I drive pretty conservatively (Except for the occasional 0-80 on the freeway on-ramp. You know what I'm talking about.)

I don't know if the crack was there when I bought it, but I do wish that dealers would be straight with people instead of just trying to move product out the door. Fortunately I got a good price on the bike, but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for...

Love the ride!
:welcome:aboard, sounds like your bike may have been down or wrecked; be sure to give it an over all inspection just in case you have other problems.
this should fix er right up :laugh::laugh:

Replace the wheel. I can see an impact "lump" in the pictures, maybe a pothole......I would pitch a B!tch with the dealer. Hmmm, I see you live in ca. Tell the dealer you are going to file a complaint with the DMV, they police the dealers here and move with a heavy hand. NO dealer wants to deal with the DMV on customer complaints, especially for safety items. Go for it.
I figure I should chime in being I just went through the whole wheel repair deal. After looking at replacement cost and weighing everything out I sent both my wheels to Will's Rim repair. 2 weeks go past and I send Brittani down to pick the wheels up, first thing first the rear rim is in TERRIBLE shape besides having welds built up and not being smoothed off all other the wheel the wheel it self still has deflection in it in both directions. The front is balances out but as with the rear looks terrible. I ended up having to make another weeks worth of phone calls to get him to refund the repair on the rear, even that took threats of doing a charge back.

My advice buy a wheel from a company that will either send you a new one or guantee a 100% straight used wheel. Don't go the route I did it was a huge PITA. I ended up paying $75 for one "repaired" wheel and had to buy one for $200 so to be fair I saved a bit of money but had I known it was going that way I would have just bought a set of newer wheels from the get go.
I've never seen damage like that, that wasn't from a wreck... Replace ot better yet get the dealer to replace.

I don't even think a pot hole would crack a wheel like that... I've hit literally hundreds of bad pot holes and never had an impact that even came close. Maybe manufacturing defect.
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DUDE, I have many stories to tell about Cal Coast of Ventura.... will start off with the sales people are nim rods. They turn over there quickly.. My sales guy was wheeling my 09 busa out to service dept for prep when i boght it. And dropped it going through the front doors..about 2500.00 in plastic & exhaust pipe... Lucky they had another they replace most the parts with at the time but had the lower faring piece was broke and couldnt get a new one for 3 months. Any hoot the only guy worth a dam in that place is the Service guy "Pete"

Anyways get it fixed dont ride it. I would contact Suzuki unless you hit something then bite your toung and go get a new one..

Welcome to the ORg.