Advice needed - Small crack in front wheel!


Hey All,

I'm new on this list and had my 06 Ltd. for a couple of months. I just noticed a small crack in the front rim and am seeking some of your thoughts on what action to take. Obviously I need to either have this fixed or replaced. Anyone with similar experience?

Thanks for your help.


First off Welcome:welcome:

You are going to want to get a replacement wheel as you are dealing with material failure which is a fatal issue with a wheel.

Check with our sponsors as someone may be able to hook you up.
:welcome: Rhythms. Sorry to see the failure on your wheel. Follow Dr. E's instructions.

A sponsor will get you taken care of
Welcome to the oRg, I would replace that wheel, no sense in taking the chance bro.
Replace it....I have a stock wheel you can powdercoat or can order you new oem..
Thanks for your posts everyone. I appreciate that.
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Chrome rim sources?
Might as well use this as an excuse...
Thanks for your posts everyone. I appreciate that.
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Chrome rim sources?
Might as well use this as an excuse...

We have a sponsor here that does chrome. Look up sport chrome under the sponsors tab and the guys name is John Reed. :thumbsup:
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ouch, that's not good, park it. i would take it to your dealer and at least have them notify Suzuki.
Welcome :welcome: Please repair/replace ASAP!

Assuming that he bought this bike used, is that more likely to be damage from impact or an actual defect in the manufacture of the wheel? What say you experienced motorcycle wheel people? Just curious.
Ok what did you hit? Com'on we'll want to know! We wont razz you to much.

Seriously though don't ride it like that.

Whats that smell......... oh its new forged rims bakin in the oven.:laugh: