122 mph = 6 months.............

Not a smart thing to do...but other than the wet road...I'm sure that many of US here @ the ORG have done things like this :(

I beg your pardon ! I always wear proper gear, NEVER EVER exceed the speed limit and always drive on the right side of the road. :whistle:
I think the issue here is the fact that he has his kid on the back without suitable protective clothing. In think the speeding thing is neither here nor there, as i'm almost sure that we have all seen them kinda speeds before if not lately.
yea thats what I am thinking too.. the speed is relative, the fact that it is a kid and he is lacking gear is not... that is stupid at any speed...
This is all about the kid on the back, and the complete lack of any safety gear...I think the speed had a partial situation in the offense...Im sure had he only been doing like 80mph instead of 122 we probably would not have heard anything about it...

Wait a minute...isnt the UK Metric....Was that 122km/h.....If so that is only doing like 80mph....????

Either way...Speeding with a child in no gear on the back with rain ahead...FAIL...