'04 explorer electrical trouble


2004 explorer v-6 80k miles

Today I noticed while trying to get up to speed entering the highway, my battery light came on and my headlights dimmed. I went to Advance and had them check the battery/ alternator. battery was bad alternator good. Bought a new battery, still same problem. lights begin to dim when the RPMs hit 3k. inside lights don't dim, engine doesn't seem to be bogged down.

any thoughts or suggestions I would be greatful,
Go back and have them plug in an OBD2 or 3 scan tool. It'll give you the trouble code(s), and some of them will actually name the failing part. It takes the guesswork out of things.
That's a weird one.. Sorry I can't help but free bump! 2011 Explorers do look nice though.. :D
Check the battery cables, mine were loose and did Tue same thing. I know you just changed the battery but check the entire cable.
Posted via Mobile Device
belt it snug , pully not seized up. Tomorrow I will get a code reader on there and figure it out. thanks for the replies guys.:thumbsup:
update:: searched online a bit this morning and found that the alternator was the problem. even t hough it tested fine when checked at Advance, after searching around I found out that even though it produces the needed current at 1500 RPM at 2500- 3500RPM it wasn't producing the needed current. so, 300 bucks and a busted knuckle later, it's fixed. I have it runnin for a bit to charge the battery back up. thanks for your help and suggestions! so keep this in mind if you or someone you know has a ford F150 Ranger or Explorer. seems to happen a lot in these vehicles.
Glad you got it sorted out. The only sure way test an alternator is a load test. I was hoping it would have been something simple. And busted knuckles are the norm for me. :laugh: