Needing to vent - Lockdown again (apologies to all)

@fallenarch hasn't the U.s reached their vaccine goal? I couldn't imagine living like that.... I know in canada people will not do another lockdown without mass rebellion. I'm fully vaccinated for the sake of just moving on but their is no way in hell I'm going back into lockdown or wearing a mask again.... I did my part if the vaccine doesn't work, I dont care anymore...

Peoples mental health are getting thrown to the side for an extremely high survival rate virus that majority only affects the elderly.
Have we gotten this soft? Imagine what people endured in WWII in Europe with 4 years of bombs falling on their heads?

Ok, I'm going to count to three and I'm going to need you all to man up! Lol!
Have we gotten this soft? Imagine what people endured in WWII in Europe with 4 years of bombs falling on their heads?

Ok, I'm going to count to three and I'm going to need you all to man up! Lol!
Soft over lockdowns? I wonder what the family of suicide victims would say to you.... people need social interactions....

My grandfathers brother went to war in ww2 and we were very close it mentally destroyed him and lived out the rest of his life bitter, angry and alone so who's soft and not? Sorry mental health is talked about now adays and people care more....

The people who are soft are people who are terrified of a virus that has a low mortality rate running in fear hording toilet paper, triple masking using bleach like its water. Your theories are very narrow minded and you sound like the golden age boomer where everything should revolve around your opinion and life could be worse.... Not everyone shares the same mental stability as others. Would you make fun of drug addicts cause they didnt experience WW2 so what's their problem?
Soft over lockdowns? I wonder what the family of suicide victims would say to you.... people need social interactions....

My grandfathers brother went to war in ww2 and we were very close it mentally destroyed him and lived out the rest of his life bitter, angry and alone so who's soft and not? Sorry mental health is talked about now adays and people care more....

The people who are soft are people who are terrified of a virus that has a low mortality rate running in fear hording toilet paper, triple masking using bleach like its water. Your theories are very narrow minded and you sound like the golden age boomer where everything should revolve around your opinion and life could be worse.... Not everyone shares the same mental stability as others. Would you make fun of drug addicts cause they didnt experience WW2 so what's their problem?
I side with Willie-people of this generation are soft and getting softer...future generations are in real trouble.

The citizens caught in WW2 suffered greatly, their homes and entire livelihood were completely and utterly destroyed...they rebuilt and moved on...think of all the people who endured the great depression....they rebuilt and moved on...the citizens of today are complaining they are locked into their homes with heat, air conditioning, running water, electricity and all kinds of social media outlets at their fingertips 24/7 with many receiving a cheque from the government to do so.

The main stream media has made the pandemic what it has become and had people running scared-lack of clear governmental and medical expert direction in the early stages led to much of this.

Suicides might have been up but lockdown or no lockdown, they would have occurred...I had all the training one could have short of being a social worker and I've had soldiers under my command commit suicide and for a couple of them, I was the last one they talked to. I picked up zero signals...and I was trained pretty extensively in that area...people want to do it......they do it....the lockdown didn't help though.

Same as drug addicts....the lockdown enabled more drug abuse as people were bored and many of the programs were made unavailable....hard core drug addicts all have sponsors and programs who they can call at any time...not a whole lot different than pre-pandemic...

If we talk about PTSD or as it was once referred to as "Shell Shocked" Viet Nam brought it to light but then a negative stigmatism flooded the military and first responders...that stigmatism has been closed down somewhat so now people are getting the help they need. The old vets had zero support and came back and directly into society from sometimes 3-5 yrs of war with no decompression at all...there is very little wonder they had problems re-integrating

Mental health hasn't really been a main-stream topic until around 10 or so years there are more and more organizations geared towards improving mental the past it was families and friends who supported people and negated the need for robust outside mental health agencies but that family/friend support has waned over the years.
Soft over lockdowns? I wonder what the family of suicide victims would say to you.... people need social interactions....

My grandfathers brother went to war in ww2 and we were very close it mentally destroyed him and lived out the rest of his life bitter, angry and alone so who's soft and not? Sorry mental health is talked about now adays and people care more....

The people who are soft are people who are terrified of a virus that has a low mortality rate running in fear hording toilet paper, triple masking using bleach like its water. Your theories are very narrow minded and you sound like the golden age boomer where everything should revolve around your opinion and life could be worse.... Not everyone shares the same mental stability as others. Would you make fun of drug addicts cause they didnt experience WW2 so what's their problem?
Oh don't go getting all butt hurt on me, I was just adding a bit of levity to the conversation.
Oh don't go getting all butt hurt on me, I was just adding a bit of levity to the conversation.

So getting back to it:

I've been under the impression that very few people die from Covid. What I'm looking at online is telling me 1.7% of people who are known to have Covid die and that's a country with a low rate of Covid deaths.

I'm seeing 0.1% of those who contract influenza die from it. The only place I could find that expressly stated as a percentage was the New York Times.

1.7 out of a hundred people dying seems very serious to me if 1 in a thousand die of the flu.

If 1.7 out of a hundred people are dying from Covid, how come I don't know any yet? Being a public school teacher, it's a very social environment. I'd say I know at least a couple hundred people but I can only think of maybe four who say they or someone they know had Covid. Out of 2000 Covid cases in my county, 30 have died but I've never heard anyone say, "Gramma died of Covid." I don't even hear "so and so" has Covid. The closest to me who I've heard had the virus was one coworker, possibly a family of three including two kids at my school and my x-wifes sister's mother-in-law who doesn't live anywhere near me. Are there a lot more around me who had it that I don't know about?

In all seriousness, I'm really wondering because I'd like to get vaccinated if Covid is really killing 17 out of a thousand people but what I'm seeing in real life doesn't seem to jive with the statistics. If I have even a 0.04% chance of getting ill from the vaccine and who knows what might happen years from now, I'm not seeing the need to take it right before my eyes. All I hear is talk and it's not even coming from the people around me.

Do people just not talk about this?
So getting back to it:

I've been under the impression that very few people die from Covid. What I'm looking at online is telling me 1.7% of people who are known to have Covid die and that's a country with a low rate of Covid deaths.

I'm seeing 0.1% of those who contract influenza die from it. The only place I could find that expressly stated as a percentage was the New York Times.

1.7 out of a hundred people dying seems very serious to me if 1 in a thousand die of the flu.

If 1.7 out of a hundred people are dying from Covid, how come I don't know any yet? Being a public school teacher, it's a very social environment. I'd say I know at least a couple hundred people but I can only think of maybe four who say they or someone they know had Covid. Out of 2000 Covid cases in my county, 30 have died but I've never heard anyone say, "Gramma died of Covid." I don't even hear "so and so" has Covid. The closest to me who I've heard had the virus was one coworker, possibly a family of three including two kids at my school and my x-wifes sister's mother-in-law who doesn't live anywhere near me. Are there a lot more around me who had it that I don't know about?

In all seriousness, I'm really wondering because I'd like to get vaccinated if Covid is really killing 17 out of a thousand people but what I'm seeing in real life doesn't seem to jive with the statistics. If I have even a 0.04% chance of getting ill from the vaccine and who knows what might happen years from now, I'm not seeing the need to take it right before my eyes. All I hear is talk and it's not even coming from the people around me.

Do people just not talk about this?
How do they come up with a 1.7 ratio? Is the .7 a shorter person...??
Oh don't go getting all butt hurt on me, I was just adding a bit of levity to the conversation.
Ah yes brilliant, as the entire thread was created with someone who is clearly struggling with the lockdowns as millions have and you felt like saying "Ok, I'm going to count to three and I'm going to need you all to man up! Lol!" very eloquent of you. Carry on though down playing the mental health aspect when in reality more people died this year alone under the age 60 from suicide, drug abuse and alcohol in canada than any other point in Canada's history might I add it has killed thousands more than covid has under 60 but hey you do you!
So getting back to it:

I've been under the impression that very few people die from Covid. What I'm looking at online is telling me 1.7% of people who are known to have Covid die and that's a country with a low rate of Covid deaths.

I'm seeing 0.1% of those who contract influenza die from it. The only place I could find that expressly stated as a percentage was the New York Times.

1.7 out of a hundred people dying seems very serious to me if 1 in a thousand die of the flu.

If 1.7 out of a hundred people are dying from Covid, how come I don't know any yet? Being a public school teacher, it's a very social environment. I'd say I know at least a couple hundred people but I can only think of maybe four who say they or someone they know had Covid. Out of 2000 Covid cases in my county, 30 have died but I've never heard anyone say, "Gramma died of Covid." I don't even hear "so and so" has Covid. The closest to me who I've heard had the virus was one coworker, possibly a family of three including two kids at my school and my x-wifes sister's mother-in-law who doesn't live anywhere near me. Are there a lot more around me who had it that I don't know about?

In all seriousness, I'm really wondering because I'd like to get vaccinated if Covid is really killing 17 out of a thousand people but what I'm seeing in real life doesn't seem to jive with the statistics. If I have even a 0.04% chance of getting ill from the vaccine and who knows what might happen years from now, I'm not seeing the need to take it right before my eyes. All I hear is talk and it's not even coming from the people around me.

Do people just not talk about this?
Where you live may be demographically different from where I live.

Chicago may be 5 out of 100. Minot North Dakota may be 0 getting it and therefore 0 out of X,000 people there.
I can’t see any legitimate reason for not getting vaxed. The, ‘it’s just not necessary’ position doesn’t fly. The ‘it hasn’t been tested enough‘ position doesn’t either. Hundreds of thousands, millions? worldwide have been vaxed without adverse reactions, the majority of the fully vetted and accomplished medical and scientific experts around the world are vax advocates and it’s a FACT that the vax can save lives so why in the hell not get vaxed?
To those that have replied with a positive note and support, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. There are things I am doing. Started re reading my books again, especially Clive Cussler novels. (waiting for the new Matthew Riley to drop). I'm devouring the tech specs on the gen3 as I'm working on a project with my gen2.

But on the flip side, I'm watching people around me and close to me life's get turned upside down through no fault of their own. Good businesses closing down. Friends losing their home and trying to find a rental now. And I can't do a damn thing to help.
I can't even go around to their place to offer support or help as I risk a fine and a record if I'm more than 5ks away from home. (police using number plate scanning).
I miss seeing my sister and her 4 kids growing up, missed their birthdays. Couldn't go and see my sister for her 50th birthday. Haven't sat down with my friends and talked about general crap and just chatted over a meal and drinks for... I can't actually remember. So, yes, I'm starting to struggle with it. Get vaccinated people tell me... I am. And what has it changed... Sfa. I'm still under the same restrictions as everybody else.

This thing has been going on for 18 months, (give or take) and it's only now that our federal govt has come up with a plan? Yet they continually talk to us like we're the ones in trouble, being bad citizens for catching or spreading the virus. And now tell us that lockdowns will be a ongoing thing of the future.

At which point does the collective world come together, forget about politics and borders, and look at a global plan? Imagine a football team playing like the world is dealing with covid, every man for himself, doing his own thing. Not playing as a unison team. Through work, we've been informed that at current thinking, global travel and tourism won't return to what it was like in my usable lifetime.

I dunno, but I've reached a point decision... People die, it's only a matter of when, not if. People die from car crashes, cancer, smoking, accidents, domestic disputes, plus many others.. All day, every day.
If I die from covid, then my number is up, simple. If I don't, my number is still there, just further back. So how about we stop hiding under the tables and beds, "man up" as @fallenarch would say, and just get on with it. I'd rather live my life and go out guns blazing, than living the next X amount of years like this.

This from today's local newspaper.


Friggin awesome.. What the f*ck are we supposed to do now?

To those that offer support, thanks, I appreciate it.
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To those that have replied with a positive note and support, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. There are things I am doing. Started re reading my books again, especially Clive Cussler novels. (waiting for the new Matthew Riley to drop). I'm devouring the tech specs on the gen3 as I'm working on a project with my gen2.

But on the flip side, I'm watching people around me and close to me life's get turned upside down through no fault of their own. Good businesses closing down. Friends losing their home and trying to find a rental now. And I can't do a damn thing to help.
I can't even go around to their place to offer support or help as I risk a fine and a record if I'm more than 5ks away from home. (police using number plate scanning).
I miss seeing my sister and her 4 kids growing up, missed their birthdays. Couldn't go and see my sister for her 50th birthday. Haven't sat down with my friends and talked about general crap and just chatted over a meal and drinks for... I can't actually remember. So, yes, I'm starting to struggle with it. Get vaccinated people tell me... I am. And what has it changed... Sfa. I'm still under the same restrictions as everybody else.

This thing has been going on for 18 months, (give or take) and it's only now that our federal govt has come up with a plan? Yet they continually talk to us like we're the ones in trouble, being bad citizens for catching or spreading the virus. And now tell us that lockdowns will be a ongoing thing of the future.

At which point does the collective world come together, forget about politics and borders, and look at a global plan? Imagine a football team playing like the world is dealing with covid, every man for himself, doing his own thing. Not playing as a unison team. Through work, we've been informed that at current thinking, global travel and tourism won't return to what it was like in my usable lifetime.

I dunno, but I've reached a point decision... People die, it's only a matter of when, not if. People die from car crashes, cancer, smoking, accidents, domestic disputes, plus many others.. All day, every day.
If I die from covid, then my number is up, simple. If I don't, my number is still there, just further back. So how about we stop hiding under the tables and beds, "man up" as @fallenarch would say, and just get on with it. I'd rather live my life and go out guns blazing, than living the next X amount of years like this.

This from today's local newspaper.

View attachment 1639082

Friggin awesome.. What the f*ck are we supposed to do now?

To those that offer support, thanks, I appreciate it.
That definitely sucks dead donkey balls....more rolling lockdowns would not be something to look forward to, our government is threatening a similar approach as well....

I think there are many people in the same boat if that is any condolence. For instance, it has been 2 years since I have seen 3 of my grand daughters or my son due to them being in another province and us not being allowed to go there.....the youngest is 5 so it will be a big deal to see her again.

I know a few people who have lost their businesses and others who just gave up and prematurely neighbor owns a barbershop and even though he got support from the government, he found it only covered his wife and I would slip gift cards for grocery stores into his mail box anonymously to help him out.

I think you are on the right track, take care of yourself for now and do exactly what you are doing. Hopefully you have a bit of land to get outside and walk around and maybe take a book outside to get a little fresh air and relaxation....

If you read up on the Gen 3 tech info enough, you could become the "go to" guy on the forum and help out the gen 3 guys get their settings sorted out...