ZX12 Last to ship


A friend who will get a ZX12 to roadtest and write about says Kawasaki told him it'll be the last of its new models to ship and not to expect a loaner until at least February, maybe not til spring. Since they time these things so the articles hit before the dealers get the bikes (but not too long before), sounds like the big bad green bike won't be running around any sooner than the Y2K Busas. I can't say who and I don't have any other information about it.
Any SOONER than the Y2K Busas??!! My Y2K Busa is supposed to be in BEFORE the end of the year. (THIS YEAR - 1999) PERHAPS THIS MONTH! (November) This is according to my dealer who still said Nov/Dec about two or three weeks ago when we last spoke - same time frame he gave me last Aug/Sept.
I remember in 97 that a guy we know had his Honda CBR1100 over a month before there was any official roadtest out. Seems theres been other bikes actually in owners hands some time before any real road was ever printed.
It's a Christmas present to myself and I'm getting excited! :)

[Plus I think I'm starting to go mad from not being able to ride my 99' - you guys better hope the Y2K gets here soon!]

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 04 November 1999).]
My dealer says Dec. also. By January I'll be on a nice Blue/white one. yesssss! He also said the 750's will not be in until May! Too bad, sounds like the R1. We'll have it NEXT riding season....maybe.
Todd, I will know when you bike gets in, I will even see it before you, wonder if I should put it together and test ride it?

Got you thinking now huh?
Sorry Boys
My Busa Beater will arrive no later than weather allows me to ride it here in Chicago anyway, (March).

The real problem is I can not get a delivery date or final price on the GSXR750 I have a deposit on also. If I don't get an answer soon the 929RR is looking better and better.
Jeff, you're one of the few people who I wouldn't have a problem with to do that. No leftover bolts/screws! :)
Bob..... Busa beater, did you order a F16?

Suzuki does not have a delivery date or a price on the y2k GSXR750. Having seen one of the two in the world, I can tell you it would be well worth the wait.

I expect to see them April 2000 (my guess) and at a cost of around $9800 USD.
I have cash down on a Y2K Red&Grey Busa. So the dealer is telling me delivery will be the end of Dec. Not Nov. I am going crazy too. There is no way I could wait til April for an unknown machine.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 05 November 1999).]
It is not a fact until it happens, but I have decided to ad a ZX-12 to my garage and the dealer said I may have to cough up the coin by January. So the ZX-12 may be arriving a little sooner that expected. It won't do me any good though, I am in Canada and the winters are not worth riding. However when spring comes around I will make up for it.
I placed a $1000 down on a red ZX-12R due in March.
Stock vs. Stock it will be faster, by how much you say?? Enough
Bob why pour so much money into mods, dynotesting etc for your Busa just to turn around sell it buy a bike that is slower You're not claiming a stock 12 will be faster than your modded 170+hp Busa are you?!
What gives? Have you tried the clutch mod?

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 08 November 1999).]
I have not sold my Busa yet. No offers?
Guess resale is not so good.
I will not give it away, so it looks as if I may have both.
I like the Busa, and its running fantastic these days. Only complaint is that its a little heavy.
Its also alot fast.