I am King LEO, hear me roar!
Here's what mine said:
Hear me roar is you war cry. You love loud bikes. You don't really care what sort of bike you have, just as long as it's loud, as in noise. You are hence fiercely an individual, hence riding a bike appeals greatly to you. Thus your bike also has to be different form the rest. Your sign is a fire sign and hence passionate about your bike and everything associated with it.
Very interesting!
The body part associated with you sign is the heart and hence your bike tends to be bought on that premise. Your may represent the warm and affectionate but you are also fearless. You'll take on the tightest corners at the greatest speeds, weather your bike actually has the capability to do it or not. You certainly can do because you know you can.
Loving loud bikes you are not particularly fussy about the type you get as long as you can get a loud pipe for it. I almost forgot, don't forget to wear earplugs as you'll go deaf quickly if you're not careful.
This what it said for Y2K:
The fifth sign of the zodiac and a fire sign. Leo's usually have strong characters. Your associated colours are gold and purple. So my recommendation : Hurry guy's and get the of the 'gold' Hayabusa, ie the bronze copper colour while you can. Strangely you don't like being on your own except on your bike. Hence your Hayabusa has the hump attached almost all the time. This year you'll be even busier than usual, trying to ultimately design the loudest bike ever. !