WI - Sick of 2010-2011 Winter

OK so enough already with the Wisconsin winter. I live near Marshfield, and still have 6" of snow on the ground and salt/sand on the roads. No way am I taking the 'Busa out on these conditions. Says we're supposed to get another 2" this week yet.

Com'on alrady, April 1st and no riding in. This sucks! :wtf:
Hey man, that's life in N Wisconsin. You can ride a month earlier in Milwaukee and maybe even go up to December if you don't mind the cold air but round these parts, might as well wait until June and be ready to store her away by the end of October. I usually shoot for the end of September because I won't ride much in October anyway.

Hello from nashotah I’m waiting for my Busa
You're waiting on the busa but this time, it's not because of snow!! :D
Hey, just picked up an 09. I'm in Janesville, 40° this morning so I rode it to work. I used to be up north further but it definitely stays warmer longer down here.