Which one of you didn't pull over?

Michelsen said the closest record he could find was the Minnesota Highway Patrol clocking a motorcycle at 205 mph

Had to be another Busa owner:whistle:
Interesting story. Quite a price to pay in order to avoid a 19 over speeding ticket. He was with a woman whom he had to know would give him up to authorities. Simply confirms what most of us have known for some time "Just because they ride a buse, does not make them smart"!

The speed was calculated with a stop watch so the 188 mph may or may not have been accurate.
As for the stop watch being accurate, even if it was 30mph off he would still be in deep kaka. Apparently it stood up well enough, they convicted him..
Shows us the Busa is king, never hear stories like this for a ZX14 or a S1000RR.:laugh:
Michelsen said the closest record he could find was the Minnesota Highway Patrol clocking a motorcycle at 205 mph

Had to be another Busa owner:whistle:

That one happened in Chicago I believe. Sounded bogus to me. The rider was on a Honda RC51.
The 205 was bogus. No RC-51 ever did 205. I love that his defense was "they said red and my bike is orange". He should slap his lawyer for going to court with that weak of a defense. The oldest rule for street riding for me is that you can outrun police cars. But you can't outrun radios and aircraft. Not even worth trying.
“His motorcycle was an orange motorcycle, kind of a bright orange. Everybody identified a red motorcycle, so that was our problem we had,” Murphy said.

"If the color don't fit you must acquit"
I'm friends with a lot of cops but this is an odd name for one "Pigsley"
makes me think of the joke american dad did.... cops name was Figpucker.... and... well.. i think everyone knows where this is going... it actually wouldnt surprise me if it was someone from here, on all the speed fine threads theres atleast one comment about how "this i why i dont stop for cops" or "im never going to stop for cops again"
Wow not smart.Cant say I havent done the same but it was a short stretch.I just had my bike tuned, with mods and came on an empty straight stretch of freeway and hit 170 ish.I backed off real fast and looked around, no cops luckily.I wouldnt run from the cops if I did get chased.
“His motorcycle was an orange motorcycle, kind of a bright orange. Everybody identified a red motorcycle, so that was our problem we had,” Murphy said.

"If the color don't fit you must acquit"
lol... gotta wonder how they saw anything at those speeds but nonetheless an argument of orange vs. red is pretty weak expecially considering its a MC and hard to see at all. wat a dumbass! a simple speeding fine to possible jail time....:whistle: he gets moron of the month award.

I guess flashy colors arent wat you want when tring to out run popo....:whistle:
this didnt happen in desmoines. this happened here in the council bluffs omaha area. I know the dude. He is an idiot. Wasnt even his bike.
I always say pull over when you see them, but sometime when you get tunnel vision it hard to see cops!

Maybe he never saw them...? Lol