Where is the Monster ?


Hi Guys,

I've been riding my Blue/Silver Busa since Dec 24th. Still in the break-in period so its a little frustrating not being able to really stretch the bikes legs. I've punched it a couple of times and run up to 110 mph but have been keeping it below 5,500 rpm like the manual says (first 500 mi).

I love this bike but I am a little dissappointed. I've never felt like the bike was getting away from me or that with a careless pop of the throttle I'd see the bike shoot out from under me. Sure it's powerful, smooth, and 110 mph feels like 70, but I expected to feel like my arms were being ripped out of their sockets and to experience front wheel lift of in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

I'm a relatively big guy (6'1", 230 lbs) so maybe I'm too heavy. I'm hoping that monster is hiding above 5,500 rpm cause I really want to wrestle with the beast. Can any of you guys tell me if/where the monster is hiding ?

[This message has been edited by CaveDweller (edited 02 January 2000).]

Be careful the Monster is there. I assume you are not really putting the hammer down during break-in. If you are tromping on it and your still not impressed with the power than you a braver man than me. I would just urge you to be careful. I’ve had my Busa out of shape a number of times because I wasn’t respecting the power. If you need more power do the air box mod and add a 4 into 1 pipe along with a PCII. This should give you 8 to 15 more HP. Good luck and ride safe.
The Monster is just waiting until you become just a little more complacent, then bang-
It lives at a place over six grand.
If you want to see for yourself, just
and nail it and "tap" the clutch in second coming off a corner. It wont hurt your break in just to visit-
Los Angeles
Thanks for the replies,

Yes you are right, I am probably headed down that road to complacency and am becoming a prime candidate for getting bit. I'll keep my guard-up.

[This message has been edited by CaveDweller (edited 02 January 2000).]
According to the stock dyno charts included with my Yosh RS3 slip-ons, at 5500 rpm you have approx 80 rwhp vs 168 peak @ 9500 rpm. It more than doubles in just 4K rpm's. Torque peak is at 7K (101 rwftlb). I don't think it's a good idea to go WOT at those rpm's. It also creates a lot of pressure inside the piston, and it's not good for break-in either. The manual makes no mention of throttle opening, but I think I'm right.
I feel the same way about mine. I got it on 12-29. I guess I was expecting alot more too soon, my '99 R1 feels alot lighter and I guess I was looking for the front to feel like it wasn't stuck to the ground with a magnet. I'm sure things will be different when break-in is over.
No worries cave, I'm 6ft 260# and feel your pain. The power is there but you will never know what it's like to be a 150# rider. Extra bodyweight = more drag = less speed(monster). A DB windscreen helps a lot. I'd also reccomend an airbox mod and a 4 into 1 exhaust w/ PC2. If it's still not enough bike for you go turbo?

[This message has been edited by Squid Vicious (edited 02 January 2000).]
CD and SV,

Hay guys I’m 6’ 290lbs. This bike has the monster. Weight dos make a difference, but not so much that you can’t feel the beast. Its true we will never know what its like to be 150lb. Rider but at nearly 170 rwhp you can still scare the SH iT out of yourself with this bike. I ride with a lot of guys on R1s and RR900s. In a strait roll on I can beat all but one R1. We run even until we hit 150 or so and then I begin to pull on him. I had an R1 last year and the front did come up more easily. The R1 has a 55’’ wheel base so it should come up faster. Personally I like the fact that the Busa is more stable. Besides it will still do standup wheelies for me.
You may also want to drop your front sprocket down one tooth. Thats what made the biggest difference for me. I believe several members here have done this also. I think they'll agree.
My old Mach 3 Kawasaki had the
monster. That thing used to scare me silly,
a Depends under the leathers rig. I have
never ridden one but I would guess the
V-Max is sorta in the same category.
Just wait till after the break in period, and then wind 'er up!!! you'll swear you're on a whole different machine!!!!!!!
That's the beauty of the almighty HAYABUSA, it has an alter-ego....you can ride a lamb.....or ride the MONSTER......take your pick, it's the same bike.