Where is my remote control? (video :42sec)


:vader: I'm sure we've all lost our remote controls at one time or another. Here is what happened to me tonight. :overlord:
- Hayabusa Livingroom[/url]
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That's weird, i'm linking correctly....I sent a PM to Cap to see what the issue might be...

Just wrap: -YhZkFmw-q8 with the youtube linky in the formatting menus. If you wanna embed a youtube video just wrap the 'code' after the "=" in the URL of the youtube video. (I.E., for this video "-YhZkFmw-q8"). Hope this helps
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Just wrap: -YhZkFmw-q8 with the youtube linky in the formatting menus. If you wanna embed a youtube video just wrap the 'code' after the "=" in the URL of the youtube video. (I.E., for this video "-YhZkFmw-q8"). Hope this helps

This is exactly what I did, so I'm confused why it didn't work.

Oh...now I see...the first dash is missing in my post....
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I tried to move the bike to the living room , but the wife said I would me sleeping in the garage if that happens.
Thanks for correcting this. I wrapped the entire URL, but now I know better.

It's rainy and cold here and looks like I won't be riding either motorcycle for a day or so. Because the Busa is clean (and narrow). I thought she could spend a few days inside. Admittedly goofy, but I think it looks cool.
not goofy at all try throw christmas lights all over it and calling it the tree for christmas