We have liftoff!

Section 8

Ladies and gentlemen please keep your tray tables in their upright and secure positions. Thankyou.
This is a situation where it's not in ones best interest to be earning frequent flier miles.

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For those of us who have frequent flyer miles, isn't it funny how everything is in slow motion until you hit the ground.

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For those of us who have frequent flyer miles, isn't it funny how everything is in slow motion until you hit the ground.
That IS kinda wierd. I remember thinking "somethings not right, I just saw this car in front of me, now it's beside me." then came "OH SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm on the ground! This kinda hurts!!"
I'll give him a 7.5 on form. Nice tuck but his feet need to be pointed. Distance score however could pull his overall score up to a 9.25!
I think I'd rather not know it was coming. It looks like he's fully aware of his last moments of pain free living, or just plain living.
"huh oh, now the question is when to tuck and roll"... its all in the timing....
Yes, nice form. Notice how he's "looking through the flight" to see where he will land.

Good job! I give him a 9!