VIN number


Need your help guys. Looking for a good deal on a 'Busa - none so far, a lot of fraud around. Was trying to find a way to check VIN number, but there is no way to check it.

CARFAX doesn't provide MC VIN's.

Another site only decodes the VIN, but there are always zero records. I contacted their support, and they say nothing is available for bikes.

All other dozens of sites I checked, all point to either CARFAX, or the other one.

Cops won't do it. Don't even suggest.

I could go to DMV if the bike is in my state (NY), but what if it's out of state bike?

Not sure if this will help...Kevin in VA said he used it to find bike VINs...the link's in this thread:

If that doesn't help, maybe a call to Suzuki would?  Good luck...
I did some quick research using Google...found this site, ran my Harley VIN and it came back with valid info...

See if this helps...

VIN Check
I did some quick research using Google...found this site, ran my Harley VIN and it came back with valid info...

See if this helps...

VIN Check
This one uses the 2nd site I mentioned which is based on It only decodes the VIN, but contains zero records. If you check for a car, it will show at least a few records (you have to pay to get them). For dozens of bikes I checked, it only decodes the VIN (very basic info like type of vehicle, CC, country, make year, etc.), but nothing more.
Maybe calling the DMV in the state the MC is housed in will be your only good option? Not sure how much they'll give you over the phone though...

Sorry IG...