VIDEO - FullTilt Kill Busa - VEGAS EDIT finally!!!


Okay, finally done with this little project. Took me a while as I actually needed to get a new hot-rod laptop to deal with editing the digital video - firewire port, big HD, fast processor, etc.

Also took a bit of time to figure out Adobe Premiere, the editing software I used. Please forgive the plethora of fonts and transitions - I wanted to try a bunch of different stuff as I figured out the program. Didn't start with any little projects to develop my skillz, so took longer than expected to put this big fokker together - being in Argentina for 10 days didn't speed things up either.

The music is all from the Kill Bill soundtrack, and I've tried to capture some of the quirkyness that movie had by including snippets of other stuff in the video. There are also some extended segments of riding that I didn't want to break up too much; they may be long, but it kind of keeps the spirt of the trip intact that way, I think.

WARNING: Not having had a means to digitize the tapes from my camera for the last year, I went a bit nuts capturing odds and ends off of the tapes I've shot over the last year to throw into the mix. You'll see a bunch of random crap. Hopefully, some of the stuff will be at least moderately interesting and entertaining for you. Ignore it, otherwise. Nick thinks I'll be mercilessly flamed for some of it, but I put this edit together for myself and didn't feel like editing another version to remove stuff that people might choose to make fun of. Just view it as entertainment. It is what it is. (Right Click - Save Target as)

File is 75MB and runs half an hour long - so be prepared for a little wait. Grab a snack before you watch it if you like.

You'll see a bunch of people you may know on this video - captions are provided for most of them at some point. The camera wasn't quite so stable this year, so I didn't capture everything I wanted to and some of the video I shot was useless. I did take advantage of some drag strip footage RichieRich's wife Jennifer shot, and a bit of Twisted's tape. Thanks to both for letting me use them. Also, thanks to Nick for compressing and hosting the end result.

For myself, I've had a complete blast each of the last three years I've gone on this Vegas trip. It is the essence of what riding a Hayabusa can be. Also, it's nice that the event is growing each time it happens. Doing the video is a perfect way for me to remember that weekend and share a little bit with both my riding and non-riding friends. Thanks to Sterling and Doc for being the catalysts that made it come together this year.

Hope you enjoy the finished product.
sweeeeeeeet thanks d00d....pulled the entire file in 3 min.
Awesome footage!! Great job putting everything together too!

I'm moving to Phoenix around January of next year, so you guys will be just down the street. Hope to see you next year!

Great job and thanks for taking the time to do this for us and thanks to Nick for hosting!
Thanx Kerry! alotta work I'm sure, good job man!

whats up with that acrobatic stuff? funny & cool ...

This is spectacular entertainment. I enjoyed every moment of it, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who was sitting alone watching it, and bending his or her head left and right at the desk, tracing your path through those roads, only to look up to see if anyone was watching me make those funny motions in front of a computer!

Good stuff.
Thanks for the nice feedback, people. Spent so much time with it, I lost objectivity, so it is good to know other folks find it entertaining as well.
Great job. I wish I'd been there for the ride. Thanks for having tasteful tunes to go with riding and not the common cheap-porn or head-banger music!