Va Summer Ride

I'm with Warren on this one.... the 25th just got over written by a planned outage that was supposed to be this coming weekend.  I second the 16th of July...

on a side note our community is having a 4th of July party if anyone is intrested....we threw a bash last year that was kinda rock'n fireworks and all..

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Well, I'm still solid for July 16th...anyone feel free to jump in here...let's nail it down one way or another!
Ride safe,
Count me in for whichever day our trip planners i.e. Zuk and Michelle decide on ... 16th works for me too.
July 16th sounds like the date for me


I say we start planning it for then and do the pre-ride on the 25th of June
July 16th it is! My sister will be in town from Colorado, but that just means I now have a babysitter!

Pre-ride in June would work for me too...
Awww man... I can't sleep on you guys anymore...another ride! HellllllYeah!! Just think of the sounds the Hampton Tunnel will make as we cruise through it...
yeah but the tunnel is radar monitored and really not a great place for any HMF flybies
although I imagine we'll make *pleny* of noise
yeah but the tunnel is radar monitored and really not a great place for any HMF flybies
 although I imagine we'll make *pleny* of noise
"The Tunnel" has claimed more than a few bikers in the last year or so...mostly Harleys getting rear-ended by guys that "just don't see 'em"

I went on a run on/through the ChesBay Bridge Tunnel last year, and that was fun...expensive, but fun...
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It seems we have a date!! July 16th...rain or shine!!
I'll be two-up making a weekend of it so I'll be open for suggestions of places to stay...this is sounding good already...
can't wait! Wish I could swing a pre-ride, but June's pretty much done for me.
Ride safe,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
  It seems we have a date!!  July 16th...rain or shine!!
I'll be two-up making a weekend of it so I'll be open for suggestions of places to stay...this is sounding good already...
can't wait!  Wish I could swing  a pre-ride, but June's pretty much done for me.
Ride safe,
I'll post up hotel info for Williamsburg, unless you plan on staying elsewhere?

Ladies and Gentlemen,
 It seems we have a date!!  July 16th...rain or shine!!
I'll be two-up making a weekend of it so I'll be open for suggestions of places to stay...this is sounding good already...
can't wait!  Wish I could swing  a pre-ride, but June's pretty much done for me.
Ride safe,

I'll post up hotel info for Williamsburg, unless you plan on staying elsewhere?[/QUOTE]

Thanks, Williamsburg could work, I'll check out the post, although wouldn't mind staying a little outside the tourist thing and ridin' in...push comes to shove I could impose myself on family in the area!
Ride safe,

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I will be spending the day riding on the 25th of June regardless (unless it rains). Let's see, who can I come and visit?

I think a pre-ride on the 25th is the way to go
I'll ride down from Richmond if anyone else wants to meet down there for it. I'd say maybe 10am departure for the pre-ride would be best if folks are riding down for the day on sat.
Hey Zuk. I'm in Richmond town. I'd be glad to meet up w/ you on the 25th however, I'm not so ride-happy when it's raining.