Unbelievable huh?

My ultimate job would be to be the guy who gets to throw the father from the bridge...
Makes the argument to abolish the death penalty difficult...cause that's one dude who deserves it

I am surrounded by people like that every day. It deffinately makes your image of mankind questionable after a while. A civilized society should protect their women and children.
Same thing with the child molesters. Once they are found guilty, they should never see the street again.
Betrayal... that's what this is. Treating innocent children with such complete disregard like that is unforgivable. There's not a lot of hope for this kind of human refuse. I hope that the legal system can do some justice for the lives of those children.
How can you be a LEO and have any faith in people...

Not near as bad but they busted a couple here two days ago that ripped of a serviceman serving in Iraq of his savings of like $3000

Guy is over risking his life and you steal his savings account...
Or the guys who tried to cash a dead mans check. Wheeling him down the street in an office chair.

Mrs. Busasweety here.......
How very sad for those left behind in this story. Now I want to know Where is the ROPE???!!!!  Why arn't our voices heard....whenever something like this is in the media the only thing I ever hear from those making a statement is "end their life" Why then arn't we seeing more action to fellow up our opinion??? I Don't mean the 3 sq meals a day thing either....I mean GONE! Death in a way that includes some sort of suffering!
after a few years, when life is valueless, these things won't seem bad at all. just expensive. you know, where the REAL worth is
omg...I would like 5 minutes alone with the guy who did that. I would inflict more pain on that fuqqer than he would get from 100 years in prison. grrr...
I am not trying to be Judgemental here but I think once you have made a decision to committ such a Terrible Crime Like this Guy, just KILL HIM !!!!! Problem Solved. "Eye for an Eye" Plus I figure God Will Judge Him When He Dies so why not Arrange the Meeting instead of taking care of this Bastard till his Body Stops Working !!!!!
If this was only committed in the great state of Texas huh? They don't mess around.
