Turbo Busa - Clutch Questions


Donating Member
Hello all.

The Turbo Busa is running strong... in fact, too strong for my existing clutch set-up.... it's slipping like crazy.

Bike Overview:<ul>Stock Wheelbase
17/39 gearing
HD Clutch Springs
Welded Clutch Center (Clutch Mod)
200lb rider
10psi (285hp)
Street riden (highway and bumper-to-bumper traffic)[/list]
Heard that the clutch mod was not a good option for Turbo bikes.
Also heard that a stock clutch with HD springs is good for set-ups like mine.

I am entertaining buying a MTC 2-Stage Lock-Up Clutch with billet inner-hub and a new set of OEM clutch plates.
Or I could just rip out the clutch mod and put back in the OEM clutch center with a fresh set of plates.

What sounds like a better option?
Is a Lock-Up clutch a good idea for a daily driven street bike?
Is there a better option that I should be considering?

Thanks in advance,
I discussed this with Kevin although your bike produces more HP than mine...I came to the conclusion that a clutch ring was all I needed at this time...Was your bike slipping before the weld mod???If it was then that maybe your problem and you just need to replace the plates...
I discussed this with Kevin although your bike produces more HP than mine...I came to the conclusion that a clutch ring was all I needed at this time...Was your bike slipping before the weld mod???If it was then that maybe your problem and you just need to replace the plates...  
Zero slippage prior.

Additional factor... I also increaseed the HP by 40hp...

It doesn't slip on lo-boost... but hi-boost... slip-central.

Not sure that the welded center is the problem... think it is more a HP/wheelbase/gearing/weight combo-issue.
Check to make sure you did not crack the clutch case.  You did do the clutch housing brace??

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