Here's a pic of the track. Not very Busa friendly in my eyes - lots of tight turns. When will they make a huge SUPER track for Busa's and 12R's with higer speeds???
Anyhow, here's my lowdown: Got two free 20 minutes sessions on the track from for newbies. Due to wind, I got there way late and missed everything. Figuring I would show up and just watch and video anyway, they told me to tech up, suit up and ride with the BEGINNERS instead of INTROs. [gulp!] I've never been on a real track before. Okay, I was nevous... there I said it. But once on that first strait, I was in HEAVEN. Few things are that fun. The big sweeping curve in the middle was great but gave me the most problems. First session, I scraped my tow on the pavement and scared the crap outta my self. Note to self: pack extra pair of underwear next time. I've never peg-scrapped ever. This slowed me a little. I rode behind a "control rider" with a 'follow me' sign on his back. I got passed in the strait by the group but that was fine [and cool too!]. On the final lap, my leader took off and was G-O-N-E!!! I was so alone! But that part was fun.
The second session, again on my terror-curve, I had hit it hard catching the group in front of me, and while breaking for the curve, SOMEHOW [maybe cuz I suck] I had the throttle still up too! I was thinking very fast "Breaking - bike should be slowing - bike NOT slowing - bad, BAD bike!" I figured it out and turned way wide [either that or ride into the grass at speed] and everyone passed me on the inside and I earned another control rider guy showing me the proper line.
I rode my baby harder, faster than I ever will be able to on the street. It just flat out rocked. I felt safer, saw more col bike action - people 20 feet in front of you doing 140 on a track... it's just like the video game but you know it's REAL.
Stock Busa on the track. Keep in mind, I'm a total n00b. But Busa is big and heavy and not really tailored to THIS particular track. I am positive an experienced rider could rock the lanes with a busa, but there's a reason everyone else there had stipped down R1s, R6s, GSX1k and 600, 750's they're small, fast, and turn REAL good. I'd recommend a track day to everyone with a busa, but warn that it coudl EASILY be addictive!! ...and expensive for your average guy... in 40 minutes total, I had to have removed a couple months worth of tread.
Sorry for the crappy images, it's stills from a vid cam - not exactly on the bleeding edge there.
another interesting thing:
REV: The big 'N' sticker is for NESBA, they slapped it on when I got there. Then they stuck on the tiny white "INTRO" embarassment tag.
No, it was a great group and everyone respected me. Great fun watching the Advanced riders go at it!
LAZER: That's why I went too. I learned alot about the limits... er... lack of limits of the Busa motor. The NESBA free intro thing was GREAT!! Other wise it's like $200 a day and I'd be gettign spanked by EVERYONE else on the track