The liberals plan for AIG bonus money..


why ask why
Donating Member
No suprise here huh? Will tax them!

These people are a joke.


- Glenn Beck: The True Scandal Behind AIG & False Outrage Of Executive Bonuses[/url]
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Just watched this again.

The Constitution means nothing to them. Unbelievable!

"We will pass legislation". :rofl:

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This is scary stuff. They are reshaping the country into their own image. Focusing on a few million when actually the whole stimulous package is money down the crapper anyway.
This is scary stuff. They are reshaping the country into their own image. Focusing on a few million when actually the whole stimulous package is money down the crapper anyway.

Liberals can not accept wrong doing or mistakes. They are good at pointing fingers and blaming others however.

Now, Chris Dodd wrote the amendment and Gietner drafted the stimulus plan. What part of this is someone else fault?

You must remember something here. This is just more of liberal "politics by deception" and they are caught.

Chris Dodd recieved like a million dollars from them. Gee I wonder if that had anything to do with the bonus exemption he put in the bail out.
My sentiment

no harm, no foul....i was just reading something on it this morning, so the number is still in my head.

i'm not trying to be internet fact

I knew you weren't. Thank you for putting up the facts anyway:beerchug: That's all any of us want.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Republicans are drawing out a flap that has made the Obama administration squirm, applying the brakes to Democratic attempts to quickly tax away most of the bonuses at troubled insurance giant AIG and other bailed-out companies.

Sen. Jon Kyl, the Republicans' vote counter, blocked Democratic efforts Thursday evening to bring up the Senate version of the tax bill to recoup most of the $165 million paid out by AIG last weekend and other bonuses in 2009. The House had swiftly approved its version of the bill earlier in the day.

By rushing, Kyl said, Democrats were letting populist outrage trump informed decision-making in the Senate, which is supposed to be insulated from the pressures of public passion.

"I don't believe that Congress should rush to pass yet another piece of hastily crafted legislation in this very toxic atmosphere, at least without understanding the facts and the potential unintended consequences," Kyl said on the Senate floor. "Frankly, I think that's how we got into the current mess."

My Way News - Senate Republicans brake rush to tax AIG bonuses
Just watched this again.

The Constitution means nothing to them. Unbelievable!

"We will pass legislation". :rofl:


your right about that it means nothing to them except a wall hindering them from making this nation into their personel vision of utopia...These are the folks that always invoke that the Constitution is a living document but why?

Are we Republic or a Democracy?...We are a Republic and our founding fathers wanted that way. In a Democracy they rightly understood that if the majority one day decided that for instance, murder was not wrong anymore, then murder could be legal based on a majority...on the other hand, they chose to gives us a gift in that document and based our laws on the Ten Commandments of Gods law, and since murder is condemed by God and is wrong, it will always be wrong and that can never be changed......their is an all out assault on on this Republic and when or if the Constitution is finally relagated to just another old out dated document, well, I think you all see were they are trying to take us