The issues of the world......

In short, we are seeing mass illegal immigration into the US of unskilled labor, while we see an exponential increase in emigration of skilled labor and professionally qualified persons leaving the US.

Those coming in we don't really have a good handle of where they are coming from.

Those who are leaving, 40% go to Canada, Central and South America. Some 26% are moving to Europe, while some 14% are moving to Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan.
In short, we are seeing mass illegal immigration into the US of unskilled labor, while we see an exponential increase in emigration of skilled labor and professionally qualified persons leaving the US.

Those coming in we don't really have a good handle of where they are coming from.

Those who are leaving, 40% go to Canada, Central and South America. Some 26% are moving to Europe, while some 14% are moving to Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan.
Hi. It looks like a hostage deal with the Israeli may happen soon. Do you want to bet on who will brake it first?
The pic is obviously a play on the fact that the government doesn't view them as illegals, that word is almost banned now. Still, not my problem, you guys over there sort it out. I'll say this though, if it all stopped tomorrow and a mile high wall was built it wouldn't change anything. Far too many criminals have invaded now, the culture will never come back to what it was. Neither will most of western Europe's nations come back. They will be muslim states in 40 years. Unbelievable, but there it is, it all comes down to childbirths.
Hi. The Us is building a pier off the Gaza coast to bring in more aid. When the UN officials were there hamad opened fire with mortars on them. No one was hurt.

Do you know about the Gas field off Gaza? It puts a whole new spin on the war. It's called Leviathan, it was discovered 25 years ago but BP hasn't developed it much because even though the Hague granted part ownership to the Palestinians the Israelis have been stalling because they don't want to share it. If the Gaza is depopulated then Israel gets it all. The Pier will no doubt be really handy then...

it is estimated to contain more than one trillion cubic feet of natural gas, enough for 20 years of domestic use and exports to Europe. There is also oil under the other 'occupied' territories, undeveloped. Interesting how these modern wars all have fossil energy at their roots. Israel, Britain (BP) and the U.S. all in cahoots lol.

The case against this theory

In 2022, Israel produced 21.29 billion cubic meters of gas, of which 9.21 billion cubic meters were exported to Egypt and Jordan. Israel hopes to double its production over the next few years and enter new markets, particularly in Europe. Three reservoirs in the country are currently operational: Tamar, Leviathan and Karish. A new reservoir, Olympus, was discovered in 2022.
I see Bud Light is flapping around like a tree branch in a hurricane trying to gather their former target audience back in....

I just saw a commercial with "common folk" in it.......almost "redneck like" common folk.....

Bud Light is trying hard.....maybe it will pay off for them.....
I see Bud Light is flapping around like a tree branch in a hurricane trying to gather their former target audience back in....

I just saw a commercial with "common folk" in it.......almost "redneck like" common folk.....

Bud Light is trying hard.....maybe it will pay off for them.....
I as a rule don't drink beer. But my neighbor did me a favor and I asked him if I could buy him some beer. He of course said yes. So I went to the beer section, of which there are hundreds to choose from looking for his.. You could instantly tell all of the Anheuser-Busch products. I won't say nobody is buying it, but very very few cases were purchased out of the stock that was there. I'd say easily 95% of inventory was still on the shelf. I don't even remember how long this has been, but clearly it has not passed for AB.

Go woke. Go broke.
I had an interesting conversation with my neighbor this morning....she works from home for a large insurance company...

She was saying there are so many fraudulent claims these days that insurance companies are looking at changing strategies.

They are looking at having vehicles inspected for either defects or illegal modifications in order to get insurance coverage.

She said a vehicle was in an accident and when the insurance company indicated that they were going to write off the car due to the cost of repair outweighing the worth of the car, the owner started coming up with a bunch of invoices for parts he put on his car which in his opinion raised the net value of his car. She said none of these parts were indicated on his insurance coverage. So then the parent insurance office has decided to launch an investigation through the Ministry of Transportation to see if any of these added parts contributed to the accident the vehicle was in.

The car was already at a repair facility so the ministry has seized it for the investigation...

I said this could open a whole can of worms where insurance companies could deny coverage if vehicles are modified by the owner and not a certified mechanic. She agreed and said with all the claims they have these days, it could very well come to that.

I asked her about EV coverage and she rolled her eyes and said that is a whole separate issue that is a real coverage for an EV is very expensive because if they are involved in an accident, the precedence is to write them off as there have been many that appeared to not suffer any major damage did in fact have damage to their battery systems and there are few garages around certified to repair these systems.....and they are very expensive to repair when there are.
The real impact of people illegally crossing the Mexico/US is poor in Mexico and southern countries so these people will do almost anything to escape that life....

It's created a human smuggling industry......

The real impact of people illegally crossing the Mexico/US is poor in Mexico and southern countries so these people will do almost anything to escape that life....

It's created a human smuggling industry......

Hi. I need some help here. What pro-nouns should I sue for them or what ones should people use?


No mental health issues there at all........LOL!
Hi. If only we could be able to put then where they belong. Who would accept then as what they think they are. The girl if you can tell whitch one is a girl want to were a lambs hat to work. The guy likes to put spoones tjrough his face. But I think that they do look good on him. New pro-none it.
Hi. If only we could be able to put then where they belong. Who would accept then as what they think they are. The girl if you can tell whitch one is a girl want to were a lambs hat to work. The guy likes to put spoones tjrough his face. But I think that they do look good on him. New pro-none it.
These people need mental health help more than acceptance.....

Sally Pezaro, a professor and midwife who works at Coventry University in the United Kingdom has suggested new language guidelines.
Midwives should avoid saying “gynecologist” in order to be more “inclusive,” according to a recent academic paper.
Not because it sounds like “guy,” but because the word comes from the Greek for woman. Instead, say “reproductive health specialist.”
The same scholars also say men can give birth.

Other problematic words include “breastfeeding” and “breastmilk.”
Instead, midwives should say “human milk feeding,” “human milk provision,” and “milk from the feeding parent.”
It is all about moving away from “sexed language,” meaning accurate words that describe the fact that every single person to ever give birth in the history of the world was a woman. For example, the guide says not to use “women,” but instead “service users,” as if they are clients downloading software onto their computers.