Teaching the GF to ride...

More fun? Sure. Still think the 300 is a better first bike. Which is why we have one. But your point is valid.

I think so, so did my daughter. 40ci, just like a Bonneville but faster, lighter, with better brakes, acceleration and suspension and no fairings to scratch up when it drops. She rode next to me for over 200 miles one day in a rainstorm on I-5 and toured with me throughout Norcal and Oregon. Nothing against the lil Ninjas except they’re fully faired and so tiny and almost everyone wants a bigger bike afterwards.
I walked in a Honda/Yamaha/Ducati dealership and they had all the CBRRs lined up from 300-1000, I was surprised how much the 300 looked like a 1000, it was almost as big.

I forgot about the R3 and CBR3 as well-great little bikes too.
I totally agree. First thing I told her was CLUTCH if things start going sour. It will kill acceleration. Clearly the person in this video had no freaking idea of what she was doing.

After years of riding pillion with me I first taught my daughter by having her sit on the bike on stands so she could start it, operate the clutch and shifting and brakes before ever taking it out herself. After that we went to a large empty parking lot so she could get the balancing down and turning movements at slow speeds w/o any cars to deal with.
After years of riding pillion with me I first taught my daughter by having her sit on the bike on stands so she could start it, operate the clutch and shifting and brakes before ever taking it out herself. After that we went to a large empty parking lot so she could get the balancing down and turning movements at slow speeds w/o any cars to deal with.
This is what I’ve been doing with the girlfriend. Just put the concours on it’s center stand and explain it all to her. I also use the headsets to explain to her what I’m doing and why, while out riding with her on the back.
Not anymore. When she took her college teaching/coaching j
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ob in SoCal she sold it. I shoulda kept it.
Hard call. Sat on a CBR 300 at the show today. Nice bike. Reasonable size. Should have lots of go for anything approaching normal. But I don't think that describes FLA. Actually selling it may be hard. Not a huge demand up here All manner of brand new ones sitting in dealers
But depending on the length of her landing gear I'd also think the SV would be a good choice and will last her a long time. I liked the few I have ridden on
It's better than the 250 because it's injected, but there's very little difference in power. It makes like 35 hp.....
Agreed the 300 is good solid learner she should be able to flat foot controllable weight when dropped not a big deal. Confidence builder better to out grow/ride a bike. Can put 15 tooth ft sprocket on to make more user friendly not a huge investment.

Funny how times change. At one time a single carb 500 cc triumph made about 35 HP and was considered and excellent all around bike Be it across town or across country I would be used with out hesitation and the speed limit up up here was 70 on the highway
In 78 four cylinder Honda 400/4 was considered a real jewel of a bike and while never across country it was certainly ridden distances at speeds on excess of 70 mph pretty much any where in the province it lived in and sometime a nearby state
Now a 400 twin is a learner with at least 35 to 40 ponies and people wonder if it should go on the highway. and our speed limit is now 62.5 mph. Which is of course ignored routinely and I would not take a 400 twin far on a 4 lane either I would however probably ride one on interprovincial trips all while enjoying the any two lane road we have here
But I am retired and have lots of time:)
one more vote for the Kawi 400
I used to have (with my buddy) an RD 350 (two stroke twin) we ran on track days and amateur race days at West Palm track with our pal who was a wrench at one of the big cycle shops who also ran an RD350. Anyway he rode that RD to New York every 6 months or so to visit his folks. I will never complain on my Busa again no matter how far :shocked:
Our 300 made a trip to Kansas City and back (5 hours each way) just fine, my buddy who borrowed it said it ran highway speeds ok, but struggled over 90. Not a first choice for interstate cruising for sure, but competent.