Girlfriend buell ride


Girlfriend went out again this morning for a ‘get her groove back’ practice ride. She dumped it a few weeks ago and lost confidence. I told her to ride it like she stole it and it seemed to work. Today I just had her practice a lot of stops and starts while throwing in tons of turns. She did fine.

Like ridin' a bike! Keep her practicing and soon she'll be wantin' to ride your Busa!
That's the only way to go. Just keep encouraging her and tell her to stay safe out there.
my wife got a bike back in Feb, Honda CBR 600 F4i, and has some experience. She dropped it once in our neighborhood at a stop sign and lost most of her confidence. About a month later she took the MSF class and that was the best ever. If your girlfriend has not taken this, it is well worth the $175. Here in NC, we were able to find a MSF class that was women only. My wife would swear by the class.

Good luck and keep her out there.