Synch Throttle bodies on '03 Busa


Evil Demon Busa Rider
Donating Member
Okay, this is frustrating the he!! outta me.

The manual shows a nipple to which to connect the Synch tool for the center two throttle bodies. Mine doesn't have the nipple, just a gaping hole.


Question is, can I use the one on the other side to sync the throttle bodies?


The far right and far left throttle bodies seem to be configured the way the manual says it is.


And what's that fat hose on the top center for? It's not shown in the manual either.




I suppose the bottom line is, if I can use the left hose connector on the center two throttle bodies, do I also use the left hose connector on the #1 and #4 throttle bodies or do I use the right connectors for #1 and #4 and the left on centers?

I'm so confused . . . .

And yeah, I know the TB's are dirty. But only on the OUTside!

I will try to remember to check this when I get home. That is where the busa and my manuals are...
I will try to remember to check this when I get home. That is where the busa and my manuals are...
Gawd, you'd be a lifesaver. I'd like to get this done in time for my trip to AZ this T-day weekend but if not, I'll just slap everything back together and do it when I get back.

You want to use the ports that are all connected together that lead to the IAP sensor. In the first pic you are pointed at the correct fitting, but wrong in the second pic. Looks like if you pick the fittings that all connect together you got it made!!

And since the fat hose you referrenced isn't shown in my manual, I would venture to guess that it has something to do with Califonia emissions...

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You want to use the ports that are all connected together that lead to the IAP sensor. In the first pic you are pointed at the correct fitting, but wrong in the second pic. Looks like if you pick the fittings that all connect together you got it made!!

And since the fat hose you referrenced isn't shown in my manual, I would venture to guess that it has something to do with Califonia emissions...
Now I'm really confused.  In the fist pic, there is no fitting.  That's the problem.  In the second pic, I'm pointing at the fitting which is connected on all of the ports with a hose.

This next picture (with the sucky quality) shows all of the ports on the left connected together.  Are you saying I need to use those ports?

And thanks a million for the input.


Excellent. I'll do it tonight!

Well, that too.
wink.gif is THE Best!

Never mind!! If I would read the title of the post I am responding to, maybe I could answer my own question!!


Hey Wag, what year is your bike? I thought that I had read that you had an '03. The connectors you have to cap are a little different between the 99-01 models and the 02-05. The Haynes manual that I have does a good job of showing the differences so let me know if you need anything else. Good luck!

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Never mind!! If I would read the title of the post I am responding to, maybe I could answer my own question!!  


Hey Wag, what year is your bike? I thought that I had read that you had an '03. The connectors you have to cap are a little different between the 99-01 models and the 02-05. The Haynes manual that I have does a good job of showing the differences so let me know if you need anything else. Good luck!  
Needless to say, I'm really paranoid about doing this little job, 'cause I've never done it before. If I knew what I were doing, it would have taken 15 minutes the other day and I would have been on the road again.


I learn damn fast, even from a book but this little job has me worried because the friggin' book is different from real life. I had the shop do the first two sync jobs but I'll be damned if I know how they did it. It seems to have not been done all that well the second time.

Regardless, your first solution still applies, right? Use the connectors on the left? I'd love to see your pics from your Haynes manual. The Suzuki manual pictures really suck.


Just freaked out about the possibility of effing up a $10,000 bike! :;-):
I will see if I can get a good scan from my Haynes when I get home. Should have it posted around 4:00 pacific.
Yes, Please post the pics...I'm in need of the same advice on my 04 cali model...Did the chain and sprockets yesterday...gotta do a sync next.
Here are the pages from my Haynes manual. Let me know if you need anything else!
