
Hayabusa Immortal
Donating Member
Its smokin here, from what I hear it is about 10 degrees hotter than normal but should alot of triple digits in July & Aug. And I'm ridin today!


This is the temp on the mirror of my truck.

Yeah, but you can walk down to the ocean and take a dip any time you want probably. By the way, keep that heat away from the mainland.....
Postal, I've been in Nor-Cal since March ( try to keep up ...
) If ever hits 100 in Hilo lots of dead bodies I guarantee.

Chico Calif. is is the north Sacramento Valley plenty hot here, beach is 5 hrs away. But I'm still gonna go surfin.

Hows the weather where u is at?
Hey Kent,
Its cooking here too... i am about to head out east towards the Sieras in a few min. i heard that it is even hotter out there.

Kent and others with hot seats,

On a ride, when you stop for a drink and snack spend an extra $1 and get a bag of ice. Place the bag across your seat while you are waiting. When you come back to your bike slice the bottom of the bag open. Let the melted ice flow into your helmet, on your T-shirt or what ever you are wearing under your gear. You will have a cool seat and head for a little while. Your shirt in that heat will be dry in about 3 min. This should work espically well with a gell seat.

We have been fortunate in the Mid-West. Temps have only been in the mid 80's. I know that shortly though we will have those 90+ degree nights. We only make tripple digits a few times during the summer but spend months at a time in the upper 90's, with high humidity.

Got to run, the wife is doing an American Cancer Society, "Walk for Life". I've been volunteered to help. Their team raised over $3k this year. We won't know the total raised untill late tonight.

Keep cool,

Postal, I've been in Nor-Cal since March  ( try to keep up ...  
) If ever hits 100 in Hilo lots of dead bodies I guarantee.

Chico Calif. is is the north Sacramento Valley plenty hot here, beach is 5 hrs away. But I'm still gonna go surfin.

Hows the weather where u is at?
Duh-oh!  Where have I been..... I remember that now.  Okay, forget my last post.  How about this one:

Dude!  That is really hot!!   Weather here? Hot and muggy last two days. We went from one of the rainiest springs on record right into a hot summer. At least I can ride now! Take care.


No more teasing about that Hawaii wx the wx back east is 96 degrees with the heat indicees well into the 100's I think its summer.We had our 1st official heat wave this year I like it a little cooler myself and I hope its cooler for the races in two weeks I just received my tix yahoooo!
I dont' have any pics but it's 100+around here too. But it's supposed to cool off this weekend to the mid 80s.
