something MENTAL to think about


Donating Member
channel surfing a moment ago I ran across some reporting show interviewing phyciatrists on a street. about 20 in a row said, "We really don't know what causes mental disorders..." and "I don't think I have 'CURED' ANY patients". Then they went into a bunch with hidden cameras, and described the exact same symptoms to all of then. Many doctors diagnosed the patient with a wide variety of issues... all different. This means there is no standard of diagnosis, no hard truths, and the doctors are free to use thier OWN ideas/feelings/thoughts/opinions/experience to diagnose you. Following that, our hidden reporter was prescribed different drugs from each doctor. The show's comparison paralleled the medical profession, except that the medical profession is based on hundreds and hundreds of live repeatable tests for their diagnosis and drug effects.

Scarey, huh?

Enter the DSM-V. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This is a big book you can read that classifies "Disorders". The reporters say that the new version coming out... version V [five]... is now TEN TIMES the size of the previous IV version. 10 TIMES! More "Disorders" defined I guess, right? Would anyone profit from this kind of expansion? You bet: drug companies. A tangled web we weave.....

So, I happen to not enjoy, okay HATE, the flavor of green beans. I'm probably in the minority which would mean I am not NORMAL. Therefore, the DSM might have me listed under a disorder, oh say, VRD or Vegetable Repulsive Disorder - a term to define my "problem". I bet there is a pill to help me become more normal surrounding my dislike of the flavor of green beans.

You know what? Being different is part of the human experience and is VERY NORMAL. Because a drug company makes a pill for every silly little "Disorder" we can possibly make up...

doesn't mean a disorder REALLY exists.

Does any of this strike anyone else as not particularly SANE in it's own right?

The docs diagnosed the fake patient with things like: ADD, ADHD, BiPolar, Depression, all requiring different drugs, but - at least in all the examples - required drugs. Why? None of them said, "Sounds like you just need to take about your problem with family or loved ones"

... your child comes home from school crying and upset, because someone got a higher grade on a paper, someone else told them they dressed funny, just a crappy day and crying.... are you gonna dig out your copy of the DSM-V and diagnose your child as having Acute Competition Disorder or Maligned Ego Disorder, reach into your medicine cabinet and drop some pills on them telling them those will fix the probelm?

NO! You are going to TALK TO THEM, LISTEN TO THEM, HELP THEM UNDERSTAND AND COPE PROPERLY with life's issues... not drug them up to rebalance their seritonin.

Paid psychiatrists exist because familys have stopped listening. There I said it.

And remember: THEIR "Diagnosis" is GUESSING, NOT hard fact. Good luck
Oh, and THIS is interesting and sure to annoy some people:

"Following controversy and protests from gay activists at APA annual conferences from 1970 to 1973, as well as the emergence of new data from researchers such as Alfred Kinsey and Evelyn Hooker, the seventh printing of the DSM-II, in 1974, no longer listed homosexuality as a category of disorder."

So, I guess "Disorders" CHANGE over time. Great
Preach on brother!!!!

This is the bloody truth. Coping skills are no longer dispensed by the people who should do so. Families are fragmented in the modern society motivated to work so as to maintain there rate of consumerism.

You are a consumer to the many psychiatrists, psychologysts and therapists constantly taking root in the community. It has become fashionable to be in therapy in America. Blame it on television and media. People are cashing in on this. Information and methodology to correct you melodrama is not handed to you in one session, rather over the space of weeks months or years of therapy. Therapy that costs you hundreds of dollars per session.
Look at those stupid shows telling you its okay and you need to get some counseling. Damn even the sopranos carried that theme.

People end up medicated with all sorts of psychotropic drugs that are meant to help them correct behavior only to lash out and commit mass killings.

Sure, a few people really need meds, schizophrenics, psychotics and other menace to society types need drugs to settle them. In generations passed, a lobotomy would do it if you didn't get sorted by the hangmans noose.

Most people need to just identify their stressors and eliminate them. Being a slave to your debt, not being able to take a vacation and not having sh!t to show for you efforts can create demons for you.

It is said that some of the happiest people in the world come home smelling to high heaven. What this means is that those who through need for work or exercise in a gym tend to have less stressors leading to a need for "Meds".

Shrinks and counselors are just another capitalist trying to make a buck.
Projekt, you know the part that sickens me the most? These psychiatrists, psychologysts and therapists are all HUMAN BEINGS TOO, just like us. It's like asking would you pull your little brother's fingers off for a buck? Sure, why not. I realize most are simply so ingrained into the "system" [matrix?] that they see it as actually helping, providing a needed service, but it's just bull.

Are we simply designing society after 'BRAVE NEW WORLD' on purpose? Are we too lazy to come up with something better?

Brave New World <> our world

1. Everybody medicates <> everybody medicates
2. EVERYONE is a real clone <> everyone wants to be the same
3. Individuality is valueless <> individuality is growing to be valueless

and on and on
At the risk of being called a quack, I will say that society in America seems to headed in that direction.

People cannot level with each other.

Too many nice guys and gals afraid to insult or offend by passing along the truth. Rather they sooth the person that needs to "toughen up" by saying lies such as "It is okay, you're right. No, I don't think you are being oversensitive."

Whatever happened to honesty and real world solutions?

To put it in perspective, I think that our American civilization is reaching a threshold it is not prepared for. The industrious mentality propagated by the "machine" is sucking people in only to trap them into the illusion of normality. Those that really want to fit into the mold are subjugated by the idea that medications are the way forward. There are the misfits that choose to leach off the system; you know, able bodied people on welfare. Overall, people do not struggle anymore for their basic needs, instead they struggle to make payments on things that do not enable life, merely luxury.

Look at Maslow's Hierarchy of needs to find what is really important if you want clarification.

What I am trying to say is that if people really had to work for and worry about putting food on the table to survive, there would be less "EMO" bullshid permeating our lives. Hunger is the ultimate motivator, driving people to regain the animal instinct that they have been programmed to suppress. Go hunting for your food, your needs and the elements of survival, you'll be so busy that you'll not have time to comtemplate the melancholy.
This would lead to less petty mental stresses and the accompanying lack of need for these newfangled SSRIs and other psychotropic drugs to numb the sufferers of gluttonous lifestyles.

When someone says "I couldn't live without my daily latte or my Ipod" it is an illustration of what leads to this paradigm. The fact is that you couldn't live without air, water, shelter and food in that order. Everything else is intangible in your survival.
Right on! I'm hope you are working on a book, Projekt. Then we can turn it into a movie and maybe wake some people up
Right on!  I'm hope you are working on a book, Projekt.  Then we can turn it into a movie and maybe wake some people up
Believe it or not I started writing that sort of thing over two years ago and never wrapped it up.

Lately, I have been working on something that could become a full length fictional novel.

Maybe one day, something I write will really reach a lot of people and help them find some solutions.
I just knew you were going to go Huxley in this thread! If you hadn't, I would have! Bring on the Soma and let's have a life or two.

When I was a kid, ADD was cured instantaneously by my father bopping me on the head and saying, "Pay attention!" Problem solved. Schoolteachers were about the same and they didn't get axed for it. I never even heard of ADD/ADHD until about 10 years ago. Is there a drug for it? Yep. It's called caffeine. Works for me.

In order for us do define a disorder, we have to first define what "normal" is. If you ever run across a person who is "normal" please let me know. It will be the first such person ever discovered.

I think a disorder does deserve merit if it causes people to not be able to function on a day to day basis, have somewhat constructive interpersonal relationships, etc. Autism, Schizophrenia and the like. I think those are the kinds of problems they were originally trying to define and therefore, to solve. Why they think drugs are the only solutions for every little human quirk is quite beyond me. I'm in your camp, bro. People need more to do to stay busy.

We've become a society of people who want one thing: To be entertained. Huxley had it nailed to the point of being eerie. Talk about a true prophet of the modern age. If people are adequately entertained, they will gladly give up their freedoms and will care little if the world goes to hell in a handbasket, just give us our Nintendo and HD TV's.

Having this much entertainment time available precludes us from actually solving any problems including our own. You're absolutely right that if we had to hunt for our food, etc., we'd have few problems because we wouldn't have the time needed to invent them and give them names. Hell, we wouldn't even notice. But when it takes about 360 seconds of your time to put a loaf of bread on the table vs. about three weeks of hard labor, then you're talking about a lot of free time.

What the hell? Let's make up some **** to trouble us since we don't have to worry about bears and snakes while we're out in the fields.

10 times bigger this year, eh? Do they have that many more problems defined or is it a matter of having defined them better now? Who the hell knows?

I am with ya, my son Gavin has in the past had trouble paying attention in class (he is 8), his old teacher wanted us to have him "seen", we refused. We talked to him and worked hard to spend more time involved with his school life and things got better. Then we had to move from Alaska to Washington and he was of course moved to a new school. No problems whatsoever! My wife and I were so happy and did not understand why he was so much more focused and escited about school, then we had our first parent / teacher confrence. His new teacher is 34, tall, and absolutely smoking hot! I about died laughing, he always comes home talking about Mrs.Dowell this and Mrs.Dowell that etc... The boy has now officially had his first crush! Now that is funny right there
he did not need drugs, just a hotter teacher!
Write that book Projekt! I would buy it!!!!
Googling Huxley now... Let me make it clear that these are not ideas I have read somewhere in text. This is shid I have lived and found works for others.
I could help ya write that book, man. Let me know if you at least need a proofreader.

I like what you said about finding a normal person. I have been saying it all along. What is considered normal is generally a person that does not cause physical harm unto others due to lack of logical thought. Okay, then you have to think about and quantifiy what is logical. It is a vicious cycle. You can use that thought process to look into famous leaders like Stalin, Hitler and Hussein but the you can point the microscope at others like George W. Bush and barring intricacies find your self with lots of parallels.

You could be a guy that does not say hello to others, preferring to walk head down with a hat low on the brow. This behavior will qualify you as a depressed person or one who suffers from social anxiety disorder. Medicate that, why? Let the guy be a productive person albeit a hermit and as long as he hurts no one or as long as he doesn't impale live turtles onto sticks, he should be left alone. People exhibit all sorts of excentricities, some gamble compulsively, some drink compulsively, some smoke two or three packs a day. Yet others just don't have many friends or live with their mothers until old age. Is that wrong? Why? Does it hurt you?

This is what bugs me sometimes about people putting labels on the others that don't play nice. Oh, he has delusions of grandeur, she must be a rapid cycling bi-polar because she's a ***** sometimes, and that guy, well he is a megalomaniac because of his outsized ego.

I happen to work in an environment that I like to call my own little social experiment. The observations I make here are what have always been recognized, people generally want to be accepted. After the initial introduction you start to see their quirks aka personality. One guy has a fit once in awhile and I have had to lend him some perspective. Another guy likes to come off as the ultimate definition of a man, real tough, lots of bravado and the rest of the classic stuff. The real ignorant observers love to use buzzwords and catchphrases to denote excentrics. But, we are all quirky, we all have distinct behaviors that could, under the circumstance of psychiatric observation, be deemed a disorder.

I say fuk the bull shid!
I am with ya, my son Gavin has in the past had trouble paying attention in class (he is 8), his old teacher wanted us to have him "seen", we refused.  We talked to him and worked hard to spend more time involved with his school life and things got better.  Then we had to move from Alaska to Washington and he was of course moved to a new school.  No problems whatsoever!  My wife and I were so happy and did not understand why he was so much more focused and escited about school, then we had our first parent / teacher confrence.  His new teacher is 34, tall, and absolutely smoking hot!  I about died laughing, he always comes home talking about Mrs.Dowell this and Mrs.Dowell that etc...  The boy has now officially had his first crush!  Now that is funny right there
  he did not need drugs, just a hotter teacher!
Just about fell on the floor laughing. I suffered from the same brand of "A.D.D."
Some of my teachers just inpsired me more. I suppose that sometimes I respected them so much that I couldn't miss an assignment or a lab. How do you rank 2nd with an A+ in your Biology Class and absolutely spend your entire year in Algebra class daydreaming. Potential is there, reward will reveal it.

For the hunter, the reward is obvious. For the student, the reward is not.
I could help ya write that book, man.  Let me know if you at least need a proofreader.

Well I may have something for you to look at... I have gone over it and everyday leads to something needing tweaked. It is very short right now but will continue to grow. PM me an e-mail and I will fire it off to you.
Society and it's feel good even if you are wrong crap is making me sick. Get over it people... if you don't like what is going on around you, change it. You're kid comes home crying because he/she got a low grade on a test, suck it up kid and study a little harder next time. (I have two children 13/17 yrs old).
I have been told I have ADD, ADHD and OCD... I am an Italian from New York... the ability to hold several conversations while watching TV and the nieghbors fight are normal. Putting crap back where it belongs after you use it is normal... maybe... just maybe... my need to set and unset my alarm 3Xs before going sleep might be abie - normal..
See? I knew talking about this hear would reinforce the fact that not EVERYBODY on the planet is a lost, drugged up clone. You people rock! and I love everyone one of you. especially my shirt..... mmmm.... it's so soooooft..... oh sorry, I took some 'e' for lunch....

Full free online book:
Brave New World

Additionally, I had some diaaglogs with the owners of that site... pretty scary what they'd like to do to human kind. And they are SERIOUS about it.
But that's a whole other topic