Some Photoshop help, please

As long as its in the shop for paint, maybe a little fiberglass work? NOt much mind you, just a lil bit.

I present... "SharkaBusa"
The SharkaBusa lives in the shallows, prowling around, waiting to attack unsuspecting prey. It primarily feeds on Kaws, the uglier, the better, the zx14 is its favorite meal...

DUn, Dun, Dun....Shark week is coming up too!
As long as its in the shop for paint, maybe a little fiberglass work? NOt much mind you, just a lil bit.

I present... "SharkaBusa"
The SharkaBusa lives in the shallows, prowling around, waiting to attack unsuspecting prey. It primarily feeds on Kaws, the uglier, the better, the zx14 is its favorite meal...

If you can't photoshop maybe you can print these and design something less fishy for yourself :laugh:

My 4yr old daughter thanks you because now she can color her own HI-ya-Boosa......cause thats how she says it. Like she is saying Hi to someone. Want to catch a sound clip of it for my phone LOL