Some Photoshop help, please


Donating Member
I'm attaching a photo of my 2005 Busa. You can see where I rashed the right side a bit. If I had had the protectors in the photo on, it wouldn't be that way.

I'm trying to decide if I want to try and get replacement plastics, or have the panel(s) repainted.

If I had them repainted, I would want more blue, and less silver. Can someone with more Photoshop skills give me an idea of what the side panels might look like?


I cant wait for someone with great paint skills to show up to this one:whistle:
He might not be able to help you much, but for sure will be funny...:laugh:

Hint: He doesn't do photoshop, he does paint...:rofl:
I'm on the case, it'll have to wait till I get home from work. I'll do some brain storming while I work. :whistle:

Droid via Tapatalk
As long as its in the shop for paint, maybe a little fiberglass work? NOt much mind you, just a lil bit.

I present... "SharkaBusa"
The SharkaBusa lives in the shallows, prowling around, waiting to attack unsuspecting prey. It primarily feeds on Kaws, the uglier, the better, the zx14 is its favorite meal...

If you can't photoshop maybe you can print these and design something less fishy for yourself :laugh:



:rofl::rofl::rofl: Tim you just made my morning with that one. I checked on this thread for the sole purpose of seeing if you posted your work :rofl:
Wow Froggy, you have out done yourself this time. :thumbsup:

I had tears well up in my eyes, it's so beautiful.
Thanks for the Positve feedback guys, and Dawn :) Glad I could be a service, 1166, I will be coloring those in this weekend, Ill post up some pics when Im done with my Crayons:thumbsup:
As long as its in the shop for paint, maybe a little fiberglass work? NOt much mind you, just a lil bit.

I present... "SharkaBusa"
The SharkaBusa lives in the shallows, prowling around, waiting to attack unsuspecting prey. It primarily feeds on Kaws, the uglier, the better, the zx14 is its favorite meal...

OMG Frog you're nuts :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: