Looking for some suggestions here. I am kicking around the idea of taking a road trip next year. I was planning on going from here in Ohio to Sequoia National park in Northern Calif. in September of next year. Trying to get an idea of what I might need to make the trip possible or at least easier. I already got cortech saddle bags and a big rocket tank bag.
This is what i was thinking of getting.
1. a tail bag by cortech that connects to the saddlebags across the back seat.
2. Buell pegs that lower my riding position for added comfort.
3. Gel seat. Corbin or tobin are just really expensive...
4. Throttlemeister or an actual electronic cruise control of some kind. But which kind?
5. some kind of gps system I can attach to the bike. Any suggestions would be great. Do I have to pay a monthly charge for it or just the cost of the gps is all there is to it. Really need help on this. What features are the best for a bike?
I have a double bubble, saddle bags and a large tank bag. All the riding gear including very nice set of rain gear. And an mps player with headphones in the helmet.
Of course all the standard preps I know like new tires, chain lube etc.
Anything you folks can come up with that would make it a nice and of course safe trip please let me have your input. I have not done a complete detailed map yet but it will be roughly 5,000 miles round trip. I plan on taking off 2 weeks for this. It would technically give me 16 days to do the trip using major highways. Without looking into it too much yet I am guessing it will take about 4 to 5 days each way.
This will be the longest trip on my busa I will have taken. THe longest trip I took on it to date was just after the busa bash in april when my mom died and had to leave the bash early go home to ohio and turn around and leave for Louisiana. It was 1000 miles each way. I did that driving straight for 18 hrs.. Way to long at one time in retrospect...lol...Anyway getting side tracked a little here. So let me know what yall think!!!!
This is what i was thinking of getting.
1. a tail bag by cortech that connects to the saddlebags across the back seat.
2. Buell pegs that lower my riding position for added comfort.
3. Gel seat. Corbin or tobin are just really expensive...
4. Throttlemeister or an actual electronic cruise control of some kind. But which kind?
5. some kind of gps system I can attach to the bike. Any suggestions would be great. Do I have to pay a monthly charge for it or just the cost of the gps is all there is to it. Really need help on this. What features are the best for a bike?
I have a double bubble, saddle bags and a large tank bag. All the riding gear including very nice set of rain gear. And an mps player with headphones in the helmet.
Of course all the standard preps I know like new tires, chain lube etc.
Anything you folks can come up with that would make it a nice and of course safe trip please let me have your input. I have not done a complete detailed map yet but it will be roughly 5,000 miles round trip. I plan on taking off 2 weeks for this. It would technically give me 16 days to do the trip using major highways. Without looking into it too much yet I am guessing it will take about 4 to 5 days each way.
This will be the longest trip on my busa I will have taken. THe longest trip I took on it to date was just after the busa bash in april when my mom died and had to leave the bash early go home to ohio and turn around and leave for Louisiana. It was 1000 miles each way. I did that driving straight for 18 hrs.. Way to long at one time in retrospect...lol...Anyway getting side tracked a little here. So let me know what yall think!!!!