.. random question

What's wrong with the US -

"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."
— Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America)

"When the people find they can vote themselves money,
that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin
as well as unemployment... i had a buddy that wont look for a job unless its a local truck driving job he wont find part time cause unemployment is paying more than part time work and unemployment is paying enough for him to be a lazy ass and stay home.. but yet he got fired from his past driving job for accidents .... just pissed me off when i had the unemplioyment talk wit him... he started a motorcycle club last year and i was one of the top people in the club but after seeing that side of him im not even sure if i wanna associate myself with him

I used to think just like you untill I got laid off. Do you really know what unemployment is and how you get it?

First off, you can't get it if you were legally fired or quit a job. Second, you only get a percentage of what you were making before you got laid off. Third, you only get it for a certian amount of time based on how long you worked before you got laid off.

Unemployment is an insurance that pays you when your job goes away through no fault of your own. Just like any other insurance payout, you shouldn't accept less than you deserve. In your buddies case, why would he work for less money? Just to say he's working? That would be like not filing a claim if your Busa got totalled because you have another vehicle to drive.

I fully understand not taking a job and staying on unemployment. I was employed full time since 1985. When I got laid off three years ago, I was making in excess of 4000.00 a month. I recieved about 1600.00 a month in unemployment benifits. I was offered a job where I would take home about 800.00 a month. Was I lazy for waiting for a job that paid more than unemployment, or was I doing what was in my best interest?

Back to the OP question. What is wrong with my country? Nothing, but some things could use some improvements.
1. We need to look at the big picture. We rally behind a person, group or cause without looking at or understanding the whole picture.
2. We need to stop blindly supporting politicians from our party. We don't see them as part of the problem because it is easier to blame the other guy when things go wrong. Also, most people join a party for the wrong reasons.
3. We need to stop blaming and condemming without understanding or knowing all of the facts. Too many people support biased rhetoric as fact even when logic doesn't support it.
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Lack of Tolerance, Honesty, and Responsibility

The "Honest Man" has dissapeared and if someone tries to be that man, he gets shot down and/or ridiculed
I seem to remember the constitution saying Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There is no guarantee you will be happy just the opportunity to make your self better due to your own hard work.

Also I wonder when giving money to people who did not pay a dime into the system became a good practice? Seems to me, some one is going to go broke.???

One last point this country was not founded on religion, it was founded on the freedom from religion. The founding fathers did not want to see religious persecution again. No where in law does it mention the separation of church and state, That was a letter written by Tomas Jefferson. The only law that mentions Separation of Church and State is Case Law. Judges legislating from the bench - that would be a whole other thread. ( I remember something about separation of powers Administrative, Judicial, and Executive.
Not to nitpick, but I think it was freedom of religion, not from it.

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There's no perfect country. Most Americans don't appreciate how good they have it until they actually travel outside US and compare. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Its a free country and the door is wide open!