Pacific Northwest

Been a little quiet here this week. How's everything going for the rest of you? It 31f at my house right now. No riding for me today. Up to 180RWHP and ice don't agree.

Whos going to the international bike show ? I will be there tomorrow around 11:00.
Steve and I went yesterday. It's always fun to browse around. I sat on my favorite black and gold GSXR1K. However, I have to say that the Honda turned my head as well. I don't like the Yamaha or the Kawasaki. I'm not fond of the busa style. The tail end is just ugly. It looks like you're pulling a trailer!
My sons friend Daniel got in a wreck on Friday . He is okay other than alittle back pain . He was going straight and an 83 year old man turned left in front of him . ThankGod he didn't hit a bigger truck or something . He rolled over the trunk and hit the ground doing 35. The bike is done . Now he wants a 750GXR . HEre's a pic of my son on his R6 , andrew on the SV , and Daniel on his 600GXR.

Very nice pic. Makes me want to go for a ride!!!! Sorry about your friend. I'm glad he is OK.

Yes I like the 1000RR. I'm still weighing my options. No bites yet on my Busa.
My sons friend Daniel got in a wreck on Friday . He is okay other than alittle back pain . He was going straight and an 83 year old man turned left in front of him . ThankGod he didn't hit a bigger truck or something . He rolled over the trunk and hit the ground doing 35. The bike is done . Now he wants a 750GXR . HEre's a pic of my son on his R6 , andrew on the SV , and Daniel on his 600GXR.
Frisbee,glad he is okay...
Yeah , I know ! I feel kind of reponsible for these kids since it was ma that got them inot the bikes . I've always pounded into them safety . I think they all learned to be a litttle more cautous .
My sons friend Daniel got in a wreck on Friday . He is okay other than alittle back pain . He was going straight and an 83 year old man turned left in front of him . ThankGod he didn't hit a bigger truck or something . He rolled over the trunk and hit the ground doing 35. The bike is done . Now he wants a 750GXR . HEre's a pic of my son on his R6 , andrew on the SV , and Daniel on his 600GXR.
Frisbee,glad he is okay...
Everyone here make it thru the nasty weather we just had??? It was nothing on this side of the hill, but it looks like it was ugly in spots on the west side...
Yeah , it sucked working and riding the one day I had to in it . but no problems here .
Wow.....this thread just dies in the winter huh? LOL. Ive been busy as all getout lately. We need to get together for dinner again. What say y'all? And Daniel...check your mail at the shop. Ima send you something.
Yep it's slow. Work isn't yet. Still working my but off this week. I haven't even had a chance to ride this week. The one time I did I got stuck on a call in a parking lot while the temp dropped below 33f. It was a very cold ride home.
I'm putting the modded gps in my bike and I don't even care if it takes a month to get around to finishing it. Man this weather stinks! I just got some of gsx1300's swing-arm extensions and after I get the gps thing done I'll see how the extensions do. So much for handling.
I'm a self admitted poser so going fast and cornering doesn't really matter that much to me, as long as I can be shiny do
ing it!
I got Nikki out for a little ride today. Man it was nice. Got her up to a hundred. Sure purred. Hey Daniel....I didnt have any luck getting the old grips off. I dont have enough poop in my compressor. Ill try to do it at work.
I got a couple things i'm doing to the bike . I'll post up some pics later .

TurboJohn, You are going to love the extentions . Wait till you see how much harder you can accelerate without pulling the front up .
OK guys!!!! I did it! I crossed over to the land of the liter bike. I will forever miss my Busa but I was ready for something new. I traded it in yesterday for a shining new '08 GSXR1K. I got the black and gold and I can hardly wait until it is in my garage.