Our government the pirates

Glad to hear that everything is working out for you. And good luck with getting them to stop taking payments after the debt is paid up.

If all else fail, hire a hit man.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.

Any man that has ever had to pay one cent in child support has probably had this thought cross his mind...Child support in some cases is necessary but in most cases excessive...The laws governing child support were written in the times that women were housewifes and the men were the sole providers...Times have changed and women make as much if not more than there male counterparts...Therefore, the law should be changed to give the male a break...I mean it's so rough that if you get a part time job to supplement your income it is attached also...Everyone of us would give our lives for our children, but it hurts when your child comes to visit and she drives up in a new vehicle and the child needs a coat and shoes and they don't understand that daddy has no money because she's driving it...It freaking sucks...
You hit the nail on the head. There was suppose to be new laws to give the payer a lil break, but haven't been keeping up with it in awhile. Maybe I need to light a fire under my a$$ and get back into studing family law.

Oooh!, this is a very touchy subject for me.
I would not even want to get started.  I will just say that the way the law are written now, and the amounts people have to pay are absolutely wrong.
I do admit it is very expensive to raise a child but for the ones of us that do want to spend time with our children there should be more consideration given to the fact that we need to provide a place for them to live and clothes etc . Like I said I do not pay child support but I do provide a home clothes toys everything that her mother does . Just because you have your child 3 instead of 4 days a week or however your setup works doesnt mean that she should get a huge chunk of money from you and you shouldnt provide anything for your child at your home. The welfare system is in need of a huge reform a bluntly it sucks at the people that run it (mostly women if you havent noticed) love it. How do I know this
? My mother has worked there for about 25 years Child Support Enforcement . She takes mens houses cars puts liens on there stuff . Some of them are a holes they deserve what they get but there are alot of us hard working trying to get ahead types that do have our children and take an intrest in there upbringing that dont deserve there shitty system . OK I am done venting on that sublect now for the next political subject Why cant hayabusa.org members just fix all of the problems . We make it seem very easy I dont get it can it really be that difficult . LOL
[Nomex flame suit on]

This is a really inappropriate topic for the General forum, but most of the post themselves are even worse.

I paid - a lot - above the MI Friend of the Court-mandated amount of child support to my ex-wife. Even after re-marrying and having more kids.

Why? Because my ex wasn't very good at managing money, and her boyfriends were, for the most part, moochers. Most of my "child support" didn't go to my child.

Do you know what difference my ex's money issues made on my young son's need for food, clothing, medicine and toys? None. He still needed them. I was the reason that he needed them, because I help bring him into the world and made a bad choice about who his mom would be...a woman that I grew to despise.

Not him. Me. None of the conflict and drama bewteen his mother and I made a rat's-ass bit of difference to what he needed to be healthy, happy and successful in later life. The fact that I had to get two jobs, drive a diesel Escort and only take one class per term didn't have an impact on HIS NEEDS.

And guess what? By the time my son was seven, even his mom had to admit that I was making every effort that I could and I obtained custody without a protracted court battle.

Today, that son is a senior at MSU, and is already working in his chosen field making $60k+. I think that I am seeing a pretty damn good return on my investment, and nobody cares (least of all me) about the crap that went on when he was a baby.

And, on the topic of garnishment...as per the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
"Of the total $17.7 billion owed for child support in 1991, $5.8 billion was not paid. Among those due support, about half received the full amount, about a quarter received partial payment and about a quarter received nothing."

"During FY 1999, almost $16 billion in child support payments was collected, and services were provided in over 19.3 million cases through the Program. In FY 1998, paternity was established for more than l.5 million children through the CSE Program and voluntary in-hospital acknowledgements, providing vital links between the children and their noncustodial parents. Almost 1.1 million new child support orders were established through the Program in FY 1998. The Federal government collected a record $1.3 billion in delinquent child support by intercepting income tax refunds of non-paying parents for tax year 1998."

Instead of making tastless jokes about murdering the mother of your children, or griping about the state garnishing your wages so you can spend it on frame sliders instead of your kids, maybe SOME (I didn't state all) of you should be working a little harder to make a difference in your child's life...

Flame away if you must, but think for a moment about why you are so angry...

Hey my next subject is the totally unfare view on Domestic assault . That every article you read Public service announcement you see on TV or poster you see up is about a man beating up a woman . As a man who has been assaulted by my girlfriend (ok she really didnt hurt me but thats not the point is it) I think that the minute a man lloks funny at a woman there is a special prosecutor ( in Maine there is) to make sure he gets screwed as much as possible . Regardless of the fact that she tried pushing him down the stairs punched him in the mouth (ok that hurt alittle gave me a small fat lip) ripped his shirt off smashed his computer on the floor and jumped up and down on it . God forbid I grabbed her wrestled her to the floor pushed her out the door and called 911 . Dont ever call the police by the way . This was a stupid fight because I was talking to one of my friends on the phone a really stupid fight but anyway she hit me because I told him that she called me an ahole (she didnt like that I guess but she did call me an ahole) So the police came and she sat in the car with the seargent that never came in tro see what she had done . The 2 officeers that came in where going to let me take my stuff and go . But she cried her eyes out to the Sarge and he told them to arrest me . So I go to court with my phone witness she doesnt shopw up cause she lied to the officer . I ask the DA how long I have to wait she isnt showing up cause she lied . She has the balls to ask me if I know where she is so they can question her about lying . LOL Oh did I mention the best part , when I got this job working for the feds there is a certain amount of classified material so they pull a FBI check on you and they brought me into the office to talk about my Domestic assault charge I was never even tried It was dismissed . I called it remains on your record for lilfe no matter what . Because you where charged ..... This was about 5 years ago we are still civil because she is my daughters mother but You can see why I might have some knowlegde of how much it would cost to make her disappear LOL