Open invitation this year


The Watcher
Ok gand all who will be traveling on are around Connecticut, let me know. All you Busa Babes and guys have a place to stay it you would like. This includes those of you that may be going to Laconnia NH. this year.

Just let me know in advance or if it is an emergency jsut stop buy. I will give you directions and phone number. Please take me up on the offer if you are around. Hope to see some of yoou this year. Only requirement is that you must be wearing a shirt, sticker or hat.

beer and steaks !! Hell I'll be right over - ha ha. I used to live in Toronto - that wouldn't have been too far to ride at all .....
very good man, NE. If I was back there, you can bet I would swing by ta greet ya!
let me know when the unvieling is and where and maybe i can swing by for a brew and a steak. well done for me please.
Man I wish I lived closer.......wouldn't mind tippen a few with ya!!!
Let's swing by for a weekend or something MSF, we are only what ?? 3 ... 4000 miles away ??  
Let me know when youstart so I do not let the beer get cold and over cook the steaks...
Beer and know me like the back of yer own hand.....there is no sweater meal.........Pretty long ride though.....might need a few steaks.

I will prolly come up just to finally meet and shake hands!

Not to mention checkout that NASTY busa. If I do come up, it may be in July or August when we are getting the nasty hot weather...

And, I will bring Bsrigley with me.

Sweet, thanks for the invite. Hmmm I maybe heading up north most likely late July to early August. I need to cover the north eastern states in my conquest to ride all lower 48 states on the Busa.
Outstanding invite...I don't forsee being close to the vicinity but you never know...I like steaks and beer...