Oil Filter Change


Techie Answer Guy
Donating Member
Whenever I change the oil filter, oil gets everywhere. Any suggestions on tools/techniques? It's pretty cramped in there, and hot to boot.
shouldn't be too bad. Run the bike hot, pop the fairings and get that plug undone. Let it drain for a good 2-3 hours...that should also let it cool off for a little bit.

Then, you can take a shop rag and put it over the exhaust pipes...the ones right underneath the oil filter location. That should take care of the oil going all over the place.

Does this help?
+3 And when you cover the headers make a slide for the oil to go directly into the catch pan. Works like a charm and not a drop of errant oil anywhere.
I like the foil idea, haven't tried it but I will. I use a small cardboard box (my Galfer SS brake lines came in
and put a kitchen trash bag in it to catch the oil. I run it hot, drain for a few hours or until cooled off then I place a piece of saran wrap over the headers and slide box under filter and VOILA! Now I don't have to clean out oil pan (box) and take to gas station, empty trash bag of oil, throw trash bag away. If by any chance I do spill on the pipes then I spray off with carb cleaner and let drain into box as well.