New speed Limit, 85MPH - coming soon to your town?

Ill be driving on it today, speed limit is 80 right now. Tolls are stupid high and very close together but I bypass austin by using it
I do dilike tolls. The interstate here is 70 I think and I usually get passed if im doing 80 so why not raise the speed limit?
at 65 speed limit i go 75 to 80... now the new speed limit is 85.. that means i can go 95 to 100 miles..not bad at all!!! :laugh:
West Texas has been 80mph for years.
I guess big oil made a deal with the state to squeeze a few more dollars out of folks:laugh:
A speed what? Ya mean those useless signs on the side of the road??? Not interested in such thing. :laugh:
Speed limit here on Tpike is 70 but everyone does 90-100 anyway. Even big rigs roll down the road!