New Busa Owner - Question RE Exhaust


Hi all, I've been lurking around this board for over a year now, and finally decided to say hi! First, I want to thank all of you for your great advice, I've found this to be a awesome resource for all things Hayabusa! I bought my Busa about 3 months ago, an 03 black + silver, and I absolutley love it! I wanted to ask for some imput about my exhast, and what to do with it.

I'm leaning towards a Yoshi full system, with the TRS carbon pipe. Does anyone have any input about this system for the Busa?

I'm usure about what to get to re-map it. I'm debating between the PC or the Yosh EMS. What are the pros + cons between the 2 systems. This is most likley the only performance mods I'll be putting on the bike for a long time (maybe ever), so I'm thinking the PC will be fine (and yes I'm planning to have it Dynoed). I also have a K+N air filter for it, but I haven't installed it yet (waiting for the exhaust).

Any input about the above would be appreciated! Thanks in advance everyone! :)
Welcome to the board (well posting on the board). :laugh: All I have on my bike is a set of Yosh cans. I really like the sound of them and would recommend Yosh to anyone.
Congrats on the new Busa......I am currently running Yosh RS3 and EMS and this thing is sweet great tone but not overwelming,Performance is excellent.Cant give you the current Dyno # s dont have them.Stainless is what I have. :drink: A toast to the new machine.