I contacted Kinsler Inc who acknowledged they did furnish the above 1:1 regulator to Mr Turbo, along with other parts over the years. The 1:1 rate regulator is frequently frowned upon, saying it is unable to furnish sufficent fuel under boost. Seems like we need in the vicinity of a 6:1 rising rate, with the BEGi rising rate regulator frequently mentioned on forums. What I don't understand is when I look at Fuel Pressure Regulators from high end companies like Aeromotive that support 1,000 HP and more, all their regulators are a 1:1 rate, so what is it that requires us to use a rising rate regulator? I'm assuming it has to do with the capability of the stock injectors, but not sure. And if we need a rising rate then how can someone like Mr Turbo get away with included a 1:1 rate regulator in his kits?