Need A Run Down On 1st Maintenance


Yeah I know this probably has been posted 100 times but I can't seem to find it. I just want to know what should be checked for the first maintenance. My local dealer sucks so he won't be doing it. Besides I like to work on my own stuff. I ordered the oil and filter but was sent Suzuki 20/50 instead of 10/40, does it matter that much? Thanks...
I suppose if it's real warm where you live..20-50 is OK....
Oil vis. has alway's been a active subject..if it say's 10/40..just get some good stuff made for bikes...i use Hondaline 10/40...non synthetic...year round.
Just do a basic nut and bolt session...anything you can reach with a wrench or socket...Chain tension. tire psi,.....coolant tank level..battery screws....connection....Valves should be ok till 16k....or more..but if you are adventuresome..go ahead and check valvelash....mine has 11k..not checked yet....abit of klicking is ok..what you don't want is tight valves...
I also do all my own work on it...gonna do a oil and filter change and head to Laguna seca very soon..Please PM me if you have any questions....PaceM.
Is your bike under warranty? Because usually (In the UK anyway) your warranty will be void if you dont take the bike to a Authorised Suzuki dealer for ALL of the servicing in the warranty period.
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