My log on is messed up


This is Devil Dog.....I'm on Booties_1 log-on...........when I log on I only get half a page of new posts.

All the replies to other posts are all fumbled up. I need a moderator to help me out.
This is Devil Dog.....I'm on Booties_1 log-on...........when I log on I only get half a page of new posts.

All the replies to other posts are all fumbled up. I need a moderator to help me out.
Board problems. They're workin' on it... Give them a while to work out the problems. I'm sure things will be back to normal shortly...
This is Devil Dog.....I'm on Booties_1 log-on...........when I log on I only get half a page of new posts.

All the replies to other posts are all fumbled up. I need a moderator to help me out.
Board problems. They're workin' on it... Give them a while to work out the problems. I'm sure things will be back to normal shortly...
Is it ok 2 continue posting?......
Everything seems to be working fine for me now... I guess maybe they got everything ironed out.

I was using Booties 1 log on....It's me Devil problem anymore. She calls herself booties having to do with scuba diving.....booties! Anyway, thats what I'm told. Pretty funny if you ask me.
Still kinda funny....I guess it explains it. You should have seen me the first time I got an email from her!!!!! LMAO.