Motorcycle Hitch for a Truck that Lifts Front Wheel????

It's not only wearing the rear tire, but the chain and transmission are also taking wear. The oil will also accumulate wear particles that are not being removed by the oil filter because the engine is not running.

The head bearings and forks will also take on stresses that they are not designed to handle.

Good points!
Trailer!!!! I would never use one of those on any bike. Spend the money,if you go with an enclosed you will know its locked up safe n tight at night when on the road. I keep mine in the trailer at night during bike week.
It's not only wearing the rear tire, but the chain and transmission are also taking wear. The oil will also accumulate wear particles that are not being removed by the oil filter because the engine is not running.

The head bearings and forks will also take on stresses that they are not designed to handle.

Wow! as a Professional designer of mechanical parts from gear boxes to bike aftermarket products, I'm shocked you would make such a comment that wasn't supported by any real study or facts to prove such a thing.

The bike is designed to accept the forces in the forks and bearings that you elude would cause it to fail. ??????

Yes the chain and transmission shaft do run in the oil while you tow it, but it would have to see thousands of miles in that state to cause any real wear if at get ready for this concept.......since neither the chain or gearing isn't under ANY load from the engine.

Anyway.......I'll have to retreive my bearings calculations handbook and gear design reference handbook, along the ole trusty Machinist Handbook 68th sumthin edition....LOL! If you want to make other technical announcements and discuss the consequences.

P.S. I once designed a similar product to be used in emergencies, but decided against it for now. BUT KUDOS to the company that tried!
