Making some big changes to the site...


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Okay team.. lots of big changes coming in the hours, days, weeks to come.

We are always working to be as efficient, effective and to stay on top of social media / technology changes. We have a lot of things planned out and those changes start coming into fruition this weekend. We are copying data from the servers now and are setting up new servers / connections with other systems that will offer better performance, set us up to add features that are in alignment with other technologies that are now mainstream.

I need your patience, the server might become slow or even go offline for some time periods in the next 30 days but know that we are hammering away to get the site where it's a better place for everyone.

Hold on to something it might be a bumpy ride, we have 14 years worth of data, hacking, coding, scripts and upgrades to sort through!

Yeee Haaaw

Finally adding Angry Birds to the site? Maybe an app that will perform a 5 minute oil-change while we chat? Sweet!

Go get 'em Cap! And Thanks!
Hanging on for the speed bumps in the road. Hope they are not to big. :please:
why is it whenever someone responds to a thread and u then click "new posts" u can't see the thread till someone else responds to it. can u fix that?
why is it whenever someone responds to a thread and u then click "new posts" u can't see the thread till someone else responds to it. can u fix that?

Thats the design of the code.. The thought process is that if no one has added a new post then it wouldn't show up until someone post in that thread again once you have seen it for the first time. I hate it too, I will look for a hack to override that.
Thats the design of the code.. The thought process is that if no one has added a new post then it wouldn't show up until someone post in that thread again once you have seen it for the first time. I hate it too, I will look for a hack to override that.
kool thanx
Thats the design of the code.. The thought process is that if no one has added a new post then it wouldn't show up until someone post in that thread again once you have seen it for the first time. I hate it too, I will look for a hack to override that.

Yes please find a way.....:please:
sweet so looking forward to new goodies!!!
Very close... if you have business that you have pending with folks start getting contact information, we might be offline for a day or two...
