Lost an old friend yesterday,

Thanks again everybody.

Ridercoach: That's an awesome poem.

DarkFlame: Thanks for sharing. It's tough even if it's not your own.

Dr.Jekyll: My heart goes out to you bro. That would be too much for me. Stay strong.

GJoker: Tattoo...hmmm...not a bad idea. I agree...they just don't understand.

To everyone else that has lost the friends (pets): You have my condolenses for your loss also. Thanks for sharing. Even though it hurts, it also helps.
This may sound stupid. I've lost some close people in my life including both grandmothers, a few friends, and 2 dogs. When my friends and family died I got a little teary eyed but when my dogs died I started balling like a 2 year old. I'm not sure why but I've always had a soft spot for dogs (cats can go to hell, every one I've been around has clawed me) in my heart. So STKR I know your pain, just keep the memories in your heart and all will be ok in the end.
You know, dogs are truly mans best friend.You can scold them, punish them,get angry with them what ever, but 5 minutes later, he's back wagging his tail and wanting you affection. It's called UNCONDITIONAL Love. They give us so much for so little, My dogshave always been the other children in my home and are treated as such.They become true members of the family and can never be replaced! My heart goes out to you bro.I know how you feel and what you're going through,it just takes time, just relish the memoriesand the time he was there with you! Tony.:)
Remember the good times.. and know that you gave him the best home and love that he could've ever had. You did the right thing to put an end to his suffering. He appreciated it I'm sure.

Go give the pup a squench.. he's there for ya!
Man, I am sitting hear reading all of this and bawling my eyes out! I have two Samoyeds and dread the day. I have lost cats (which weren't easy either), but, there is nothing like the love your dog gives.
So sorry for your loss, I'm sure your other pups will help you heal.