Hey Z, Glad your mostly intact bro. Real sad about your ride. And once again I am pretty darn certain I am giving up wheelies for good. Or until I have me an enduro or something that can take a good hit.
Hope you get yourself healed up and back out there soon, if thats what you want anyway.
If it is any consolation you are not the first on the board to get bitten. Another member pitched his fully customized and chromed out busa down the road just a few months ago, and there are many others who do not fess up to crashing while stunting... Takes guts to get it up there, takes more guts to post the "Darkside" photos and fess up to what you were doing...
Post more pics if you would, if for no other reason than preserving the crash photos for others to see and think about...
Good Luck and take care...