I traded Busa for ZX 12!!!!!!!

Aw the kawacrackheads will never face it.
Maybe they can make new crack pipes out of their broken conn rods...hehehe

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 11 July 2000).]
Hey Speedster, good call mate! Glad someone else has a grip on reality.

The 12 really does rock! All you people slagging the 12 off should take some time out to actually go ride one. You might surprise yourselves.

The 12's gotta be ten times more responsive than the busa (I've ridden both so that's no idle claim.)
Okay, so it mightn't match the top speed, but its a match thru the gears no **** . And how many of you really ever get your busa's up to 200 mph anyhow?

Busa v 12 ?

12 wins every time....
I've ridden both and so has the owner of the 12 I rode.

I agree there are aspects of the 12 that are better the 'Busa. But over all opinion from both of us was that we liked the 'Busa better. He's been trying to trade me ever since. It's all a matter of opinion. And we know what they say about them.

Personally, I don't care what you ride...as long as you ride. Do your chest banging and posturing at a track.

[This message has been edited by JokerJ (edited 11 July 2000).]
After twelve years with Kaws I switched to SuzukI. I had every year ZX-11 and a ZX-10. Dragraced them for six years and they were good in there time. I had a chance to ride both bikes a track and I went out and bought the Busa the next week. The Busa is not only better in fit form and fuction it beat the ZX-12 in all of my track testing. I now use My ZX11's for daily commuters. The Busa goes out when it is time to ride BALLS TO THE WALL. See Ya Kawasaki it has been a great ride but there is a new sherrif in town and goes by the name Hayabusa.

This goes to show that theres Some things you can read and believe (ie Hayabusa pathetically Raping the ZX-12 in numerous tests Worldwide) and some things you can't..namely speedster and maverick. Maverick. Although i agree the 12 is a good bike, and i'd be willing to try one myself, i'm afraid its the BUSA that wins hands down. Look at the tests...they don't lie. Its not all coincidence. Its not a fluke like the kawi's hype. As for this speedster guy, he strikes me as someone with a run into the ground 600 trying to stir things up. Don't belive the story boys. Its "Fitch and Kong" all over again...

or LA Busa's trying to livin things up here again..one of the two... :)

Speedster and Maverick both are dreaming.

I've been a Kawasaki man most of my life. The ZX12 is a bold, beautiful bike that performs extremely well. But they missed the mark entirely with all the hype and hoopla because it just can't compare with the 'Busa.

I am very glad I waited, Kawasaki almost sucked me in.

I've ridden both, and the 'Busa is a better all-around machine hands down.

...wouldn't mind having both in my garage though! :)
Let me make sure I fully understand. You traded a bike you just bought for a Kawasucki. the way i see it you needed the money, or your wife said you had to get something slower more tame, or you are just plain out lying.
I'm thinking, if I had a 12, I could hide a Val ONE in the left mirror housing, and a GPS unit in the right one. Or, maybe a small ice cooler. Or, maybe, my Dri Bones Rain suit. Or, maybe the bottle of wheel polish, Chain Wax, spare rags and Grunge brush in the left one, and a 6CD disc changer inthe right...or.....
Why dig up this old thread!! This Hayabusa .org Go find a 12 site! I've rode kaws for years. The 12 looks like a fish your pulling from the lake by its lower lip. Who cares our money is well spent. Go fishing somewhere else.
Hey all, Maverick here.

Just cause someone takes a different viewpoint, it don't mean they're winding you up...
And what I was saying about build quality holds true... read your own forum guys, seems like those busa frames are splitting apart all over the place.

Anyhow, I don't deny the busa's got a faster top speed, I'm just saying that speed ain't everything and in a lot of other respects the 12 is just as good if not better. Just an opinion though. It ain't gospel. If you like riding your busas then stick with 'em. Variety's the spice of life you know...
To Speedster and Maverick: I-16 West or Silver Dollar Dragway anytime you want some.
Talk is cheap like a kwak. BTW? Did you gys forget to take your meds again?
J R Hammock
I did not respond for a while since I was out of town with the 12R. Got 1800 miles on, just getting better and better. This bike is the business, no crap gear shifts, no fukkin 3 to 4 cam chain tensioners in the first 2000 miles, this is the true definition of ultimate sports bike, a category created by the losers at Suzuki. Have a look at gsxr1300 post elsewhere on the board. Stop denying the truth!!!!!
I hear in Canada that Kawasaki is planning on having a sale in August to blow out the 12's. If this is the case, I may pick one up just for the hell of it... But I will always love the Busa...... The only way I can judge it, is to own one and then compare it. Two of the hottest bikes in the world, located in my garage. Cool!

(As you can see, I am not brand loyal)
